Saturday, August 7, 2021

Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt

Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt

Tour that wewere going on I had three pairs of swimtrunks oh I’m gonna be in Florida mightas well pack an extra pair of swimtrunksbut what if both of them get dirty Imight as well pick my my third pair ofswimming truck and I’m like and thenwe’re down there I’m like why do I evenown three pairs of swimming trunks thatdoesn’t even make any sense to me wellthe answer is just in case and so wemade this resolution together that forthe rest of the tour when we got backand we went out in these little legswe’d go out three or four or five citiesat a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt time for the rest of the tour we’renot gonna pack any just in case on usand that’s where that 2020 rule camefrom because we thought you know what wecan replace anything that we really needjust in case for less than twentydollars in less than 20 minutes fromwhere we are the cool thing is that’sheld up 100 of the time for us and whenI got back home it actually gave mepermission to let go of tens ofthousands of other items because I knewthat we never really had to implementthat. Theworldit’s all about the longtail it’s notabout like well however my first weeksales looking and they said about thatanymore it’s about getting this creationin front of people that they’re gonnafind value it and when people find valuein it they share it it’s funny you bringup the first week sales yes it’s likeup the first week sales yes it’s liketypically most authors I know with usand a lot of other people theyexperienced the most sales like a yearto two years later after they write thebook and publish it you’re absolutelyright in fact the so that first book wewrote minimalism love a meaningful lifeits best sales month was month numbertwenty five so it was it was over twoyears after yeah and even now those bookall three of our books tend to do betternow than they did early on when theyfirst came out just because we have alarger audience now we reach more peoplevia different platforms and so whetherit’s it’s our sa collection which iscalled essential and by the way theseare all available an audiobook now tooso it’s. Last thing is whenyou’re shopping if you are doing somesome Premium Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt More than Pretty other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Out of these toys what if wedonate them when we can make more spaceand I’ll tell you what we’ll get one youknow big boy toy that really suits yourneeds right now and they love that andboth of them filled up a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt garbage bagrecently and we donated it to thegoodwill and I plan on doing it maybeevery six months I don’t even say lookat all this extra space we have to playwith blue or that’s our dog or playmonsters or hide and seek and they’reall about it so it’s just really workedfor me to not do the guilt of you knowlots of kids need these toys or you’reso lucky and you should really share soI just wanted to share that with theother parents out there the people oflittle kids in their lives alright y’allthat’s it for this episode if you have aquestion for the minimalists give us acall for zero six two one nine seveneight three nine and if you leave herewith just one message we hope it’s thislove people and use things because theopposite never works thanks forlistening y’all we’ll see you next timeevery little thing you. Ryan we learned whatand that eventually made it into ourbook everything that remains it becausewe would tell go out on the road and sojust start talking to people all thesestories and the things that reallyresonated like the packing party or mymother is dealing with her sentimentalitems for me at first those were justsort of afterthought so that’s in thepast let’s just talk aboutintentionality let’s talk aboutdecluttering or whatever but it will isdecluttering or whatever but it will isknow was like these are true storiesthat people resonateand so a lot of those stories made itinto everything that remains and Iwouldn’t have known that had we not goneout on those tours tour stops with twoto twelve people showing up and allowedus to have deeper conversations andthat’s why in fact with all these eventswe’re doing the VIP events beforehandwe’re just a few dozen people will havewill have access to those people and wecan have more intimate conversationswith them as opposed to doing so I’llgive you an example let’s say. Plugged it into hiscomputer couldn’t even figure how to doit they use QuickTime to record his atfirst like 20 podcast episodes orsomething and and the point is you don’tneed all the tools you think you need toget started you can just get started andthe other thing I’ll encourage you totake a look at is to dive deep into istake a look at what Seth Godin writesabout creativity he has some some greatstuff out there about getting the workdone now shipping before it’s readybecause it’s never going to be ready ifyou’re waiting for the thing to beperfect so Seth Godin has a daily blogthat he literally puts something everysingle day of the year even on ChristmasDay without fail and he is a master aMozart of blogging I would encourage youto check that out a lot of good creativeinspiration there all right let’s do onemore Shawnto travel how do you stay present andnot view the whole thing through theviewfinder of a camerayes yeah that’s a great question wellyou know I am NOT a hundred percentagainst taking pictures I do we’ll See Other related products: Athlete and shirt Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt Tour that wewere going on I had three pairs of swimtrunks oh I’m gonna be in Florida mightas well pack an extra pair of swimtrunksbut what if both of them get dirty Imight as well pick my my third pair ofswimming truck and I’m like and thenwe’re down there I’m like why do I evenown three pairs of swimming trunks thatdoesn’t even make any sense to me wellthe answer is just in case and so wemade this resolution together that forthe rest of the tour when we got backand we went out in these little legswe’d go out three or four or five citiesat a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt time for the rest of the tour we’renot gonna pack any just in case on usand that’s where that 2020 rule camefrom because we thought you know what wecan replace anything that we really needjust in case for less than twentydollars in less than 20 minutes fromwhere we are the cool thing is that’sheld up 100 of the time for us and whenI got back home it actually gave mepermission to let go of tens ofthousands of other items because I knewthat we never really had to implementthat. Theworldit’s all about the longtail it’s notabout like well however my first weeksales looking and they said about thatanymore it’s about getting this creationin front of people that they’re gonnafind value it and when people find valuein it they share it it’s funny you bringup the first week sales yes it’s likeup the first week sales yes it’s liketypically most authors I know with usand a lot of other people theyexperienced the most sales like a yearto two years later after they write thebook and publish it you’re absolutelyright in fact the so that first book wewrote minimalism love a meaningful lifeits best sales month was month numbertwenty five so it was it was over twoyears after yeah and even now those bookall three of our books tend to do betternow than they did early on when theyfirst came out just because we have alarger audience now we reach more peoplevia different platforms and so whetherit’s it’s our sa collection which iscalled essential and by the way theseare all available an audiobook now tooso it’s. Last thing is whenyou’re shopping if you are doing somesome Premium Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt More than Pretty other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Out of these toys what if wedonate them when we can make more spaceand I’ll tell you what we’ll get one youknow big boy toy that really suits yourneeds right now and they love that andboth of them filled up a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt garbage bagrecently and we donated it to thegoodwill and I plan on doing it maybeevery six months I don’t even say lookat all this extra space we have to playwith blue or that’s our dog or playmonsters or hide and seek and they’reall about it so it’s just really workedfor me to not do the guilt of you knowlots of kids need these toys or you’reso lucky and you should really share soI just wanted to share that with theother parents out there the people oflittle kids in their lives alright y’allthat’s it for this episode if you have aquestion for the minimalists give us acall for zero six two one nine seveneight three nine and if you leave herewith just one message we hope it’s thislove people and use things because theopposite never works thanks forlistening y’all we’ll see you next timeevery little thing you. Ryan we learned whatand that eventually made it into ourbook everything that remains it becausewe would tell go out on the road and sojust start talking to people all thesestories and the things that reallyresonated like the packing party or mymother is dealing with her sentimentalitems for me at first those were justsort of afterthought so that’s in thepast let’s just talk aboutintentionality let’s talk aboutdecluttering or whatever but it will isdecluttering or whatever but it will isknow was like these are true storiesthat people resonateand so a lot of those stories made itinto everything that remains and Iwouldn’t have known that had we not goneout on those tours tour stops with twoto twelve people showing up and allowedus to have deeper conversations andthat’s why in fact with all these eventswe’re doing the VIP events beforehandwe’re just a few dozen people will havewill have access to those people and wecan have more intimate conversationswith them as opposed to doing so I’llgive you an example let’s say. Plugged it into hiscomputer couldn’t even figure how to doit they use QuickTime to record his atfirst like 20 podcast episodes orsomething and and the point is you don’tneed all the tools you think you need toget started you can just get started andthe other thing I’ll encourage you totake a look at is to dive deep into istake a look at what Seth Godin writesabout creativity he has some some greatstuff out there about getting the workdone now shipping before it’s readybecause it’s never going to be ready ifyou’re waiting for the thing to beperfect so Seth Godin has a daily blogthat he literally puts something everysingle day of the year even on ChristmasDay without fail and he is a master aMozart of blogging I would encourage youto check that out a lot of good creativeinspiration there all right let’s do onemore Shawnto travel how do you stay present andnot view the whole thing through theviewfinder of a camerayes yeah that’s a great question wellyou know I am NOT a hundred percentagainst taking pictures I do we’ll See Other related products: Athlete and shirt

Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt - from 1

Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt - from 1

Tour that wewere going on I had three pairs of swimtrunks oh I’m gonna be in Florida mightas well pack an extra pair of swimtrunksbut what if both of them get dirty Imight as well pick my my third pair ofswimming truck and I’m like and thenwe’re down there I’m like why do I evenown three pairs of swimming trunks thatdoesn’t even make any sense to me wellthe answer is just in case and so wemade this resolution together that forthe rest of the tour when we got backand we went out in these little legswe’d go out three or four or five citiesat a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt time for the rest of the tour we’renot gonna pack any just in case on usand that’s where that 2020 rule camefrom because we thought you know what wecan replace anything that we really needjust in case for less than twentydollars in less than 20 minutes fromwhere we are the cool thing is that’sheld up 100 of the time for us and whenI got back home it actually gave mepermission to let go of tens ofthousands of other items because I knewthat we never really had to implementthat. Theworldit’s all about the longtail it’s notabout like well however my first weeksales looking and they said about thatanymore it’s about getting this creationin front of people that they’re gonnafind value it and when people find valuein it they share it it’s funny you bringup the first week sales yes it’s likeup the first week sales yes it’s liketypically most authors I know with usand a lot of other people theyexperienced the most sales like a yearto two years later after they write thebook and publish it you’re absolutelyright in fact the so that first book wewrote minimalism love a meaningful lifeits best sales month was month numbertwenty five so it was it was over twoyears after yeah and even now those bookall three of our books tend to do betternow than they did early on when theyfirst came out just because we have alarger audience now we reach more peoplevia different platforms and so whetherit’s it’s our sa collection which iscalled essential and by the way theseare all available an audiobook now tooso it’s. Last thing is whenyou’re shopping if you are doing somesome Premium Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt More than Pretty other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Out of these toys what if wedonate them when we can make more spaceand I’ll tell you what we’ll get one youknow big boy toy that really suits yourneeds right now and they love that andboth of them filled up a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt garbage bagrecently and we donated it to thegoodwill and I plan on doing it maybeevery six months I don’t even say lookat all this extra space we have to playwith blue or that’s our dog or playmonsters or hide and seek and they’reall about it so it’s just really workedfor me to not do the guilt of you knowlots of kids need these toys or you’reso lucky and you should really share soI just wanted to share that with theother parents out there the people oflittle kids in their lives alright y’allthat’s it for this episode if you have aquestion for the minimalists give us acall for zero six two one nine seveneight three nine and if you leave herewith just one message we hope it’s thislove people and use things because theopposite never works thanks forlistening y’all we’ll see you next timeevery little thing you. Ryan we learned whatand that eventually made it into ourbook everything that remains it becausewe would tell go out on the road and sojust start talking to people all thesestories and the things that reallyresonated like the packing party or mymother is dealing with her sentimentalitems for me at first those were justsort of afterthought so that’s in thepast let’s just talk aboutintentionality let’s talk aboutdecluttering or whatever but it will isdecluttering or whatever but it will isknow was like these are true storiesthat people resonateand so a lot of those stories made itinto everything that remains and Iwouldn’t have known that had we not goneout on those tours tour stops with twoto twelve people showing up and allowedus to have deeper conversations andthat’s why in fact with all these eventswe’re doing the VIP events beforehandwe’re just a few dozen people will havewill have access to those people and wecan have more intimate conversationswith them as opposed to doing so I’llgive you an example let’s say. Plugged it into hiscomputer couldn’t even figure how to doit they use QuickTime to record his atfirst like 20 podcast episodes orsomething and and the point is you don’tneed all the tools you think you need toget started you can just get started andthe other thing I’ll encourage you totake a look at is to dive deep into istake a look at what Seth Godin writesabout creativity he has some some greatstuff out there about getting the workdone now shipping before it’s readybecause it’s never going to be ready ifyou’re waiting for the thing to beperfect so Seth Godin has a daily blogthat he literally puts something everysingle day of the year even on ChristmasDay without fail and he is a master aMozart of blogging I would encourage youto check that out a lot of good creativeinspiration there all right let’s do onemore Shawnto travel how do you stay present andnot view the whole thing through theviewfinder of a camerayes yeah that’s a great question wellyou know I am NOT a hundred percentagainst taking pictures I do we’ll See Other related products: Athlete and shirt Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt Tour that wewere going on I had three pairs of swimtrunks oh I’m gonna be in Florida mightas well pack an extra pair of swimtrunksbut what if both of them get dirty Imight as well pick my my third pair ofswimming truck and I’m like and thenwe’re down there I’m like why do I evenown three pairs of swimming trunks thatdoesn’t even make any sense to me wellthe answer is just in case and so wemade this resolution together that forthe rest of the tour when we got backand we went out in these little legswe’d go out three or four or five citiesat a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt time for the rest of the tour we’renot gonna pack any just in case on usand that’s where that 2020 rule camefrom because we thought you know what wecan replace anything that we really needjust in case for less than twentydollars in less than 20 minutes fromwhere we are the cool thing is that’sheld up 100 of the time for us and whenI got back home it actually gave mepermission to let go of tens ofthousands of other items because I knewthat we never really had to implementthat. Theworldit’s all about the longtail it’s notabout like well however my first weeksales looking and they said about thatanymore it’s about getting this creationin front of people that they’re gonnafind value it and when people find valuein it they share it it’s funny you bringup the first week sales yes it’s likeup the first week sales yes it’s liketypically most authors I know with usand a lot of other people theyexperienced the most sales like a yearto two years later after they write thebook and publish it you’re absolutelyright in fact the so that first book wewrote minimalism love a meaningful lifeits best sales month was month numbertwenty five so it was it was over twoyears after yeah and even now those bookall three of our books tend to do betternow than they did early on when theyfirst came out just because we have alarger audience now we reach more peoplevia different platforms and so whetherit’s it’s our sa collection which iscalled essential and by the way theseare all available an audiobook now tooso it’s. Last thing is whenyou’re shopping if you are doing somesome Premium Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt More than Pretty other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: Out of these toys what if wedonate them when we can make more spaceand I’ll tell you what we’ll get one youknow big boy toy that really suits yourneeds right now and they love that andboth of them filled up a Owl A Book A Day Keeps Reality Away T-Shirt garbage bagrecently and we donated it to thegoodwill and I plan on doing it maybeevery six months I don’t even say lookat all this extra space we have to playwith blue or that’s our dog or playmonsters or hide and seek and they’reall about it so it’s just really workedfor me to not do the guilt of you knowlots of kids need these toys or you’reso lucky and you should really share soI just wanted to share that with theother parents out there the people oflittle kids in their lives alright y’allthat’s it for this episode if you have aquestion for the minimalists give us acall for zero six two one nine seveneight three nine and if you leave herewith just one message we hope it’s thislove people and use things because theopposite never works thanks forlistening y’all we’ll see you next timeevery little thing you. Ryan we learned whatand that eventually made it into ourbook everything that remains it becausewe would tell go out on the road and sojust start talking to people all thesestories and the things that reallyresonated like the packing party or mymother is dealing with her sentimentalitems for me at first those were justsort of afterthought so that’s in thepast let’s just talk aboutintentionality let’s talk aboutdecluttering or whatever but it will isdecluttering or whatever but it will isknow was like these are true storiesthat people resonateand so a lot of those stories made itinto everything that remains and Iwouldn’t have known that had we not goneout on those tours tour stops with twoto twelve people showing up and allowedus to have deeper conversations andthat’s why in fact with all these eventswe’re doing the VIP events beforehandwe’re just a few dozen people will havewill have access to those people and wecan have more intimate conversationswith them as opposed to doing so I’llgive you an example let’s say. Plugged it into hiscomputer couldn’t even figure how to doit they use QuickTime to record his atfirst like 20 podcast episodes orsomething and and the point is you don’tneed all the tools you think you need toget started you can just get started andthe other thing I’ll encourage you totake a look at is to dive deep into istake a look at what Seth Godin writesabout creativity he has some some greatstuff out there about getting the workdone now shipping before it’s readybecause it’s never going to be ready ifyou’re waiting for the thing to beperfect so Seth Godin has a daily blogthat he literally puts something everysingle day of the year even on ChristmasDay without fail and he is a master aMozart of blogging I would encourage youto check that out a lot of good creativeinspiration there all right let’s do onemore Shawnto travel how do you stay present andnot view the whole thing through theviewfinder of a camerayes yeah that’s a great question wellyou know I am NOT a hundred percentagainst taking pictures I do we’ll See Other related products: Athlete and shirt

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