Sunday, July 11, 2021

Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black

Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black

Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt Just takes time to run the Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories shirt In addition,I will do this experiments, and there are only so many immunologists out there. Yes we’ve shown that antibody titres decrease over time, but it could be that immunity is maintained by a robust t cell response. I totally agree that we shouldn’t be pursuing herd immunity to a coronavirus there’s just not enough evidence that immune responses persist, however it hasn’t been proven for this one.If it was it’s not gone down well Peter Bradley I’ll remind my friend of that who died in April and another I know who spent a month in intensive care. Magnify that by at least 10 and still counting the after effects, deaths and chronically sick. Pity it takes some people to realise how bad it is when it affects your own relatives then shock, horror, the wake up call kicks in then it’s too late.Hc_location=ufiPer Qvindesland a oh thank god we have the genius scientific mind of yourself to tell us that. Really pls tell me why the hospitals wernt over flowing like some places in europe. Sue Zooki a the future and the answers were clearly available in Asia and southern Europe in February but the PM was not interested.You are very easily pleased as someone experiencing the worst morbidity rate in Europe and still in the Top 10 infected countries in the world. I’m not knocking the NZ prime minister, I think the world needs more leaders such as she. I understand population density, however at this point in the pandemic I don’t trust the statistics. Given attendees are also generally young, there would also more likely be an effect on those they pass it onto than in themselves. We don’t know that, given that mass tracking and testing is not in place. The participants in the mass protests, beach gatherings and illegal raves of recent weeks were all still going down that herd immunity route, presumably.We could literally see the effects playing out in other countries, and this shambolic government chose to do nothing. And the current cases are mainly from migrants arriving legally or illegally from abroad. Of course there are businesses that have had to close or are experiencing financial difficulties, but otherwise, for the moment, we’re having fewer daily cases than Germany.Italy experienced its’ peak well before the UK, and Italy is once again limiting businesses. Funny that or was it the second wave Chris Miller: On that day, Italy was shutting all non essential shops and the Republic of Ireland announced that schools would close. Hc_location=ufiTyler Brown a. Buy this shirt:  Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt How very convenient for any government making policies most others thought wrong. Hc_location=ufiAndrew Hislop a. Anyone passing judgement now are more concerned about point scoring against a gov they probably didn’t vote for.Will be a good 5 years before anyone can say how any country handled this outbreak. By the All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt moreover I love this way, Germany, which fortunately never entertained any herd immunity illusions, has 109. Just look at the care homes they have performed better than the rest of europe if things were as bad as they were making out the figures for the care homes would be different.Maybe telling people the truth and actually doing something about it is a better option after all. Much like trump said to the USA, and now they have such low infection rates. Wouldn’t it be so much better if we were told how good everything is, that the virus would be gone so quickly, and that it’s not too bad anyway. Any rushed long term safety skipped RNA vaccine is likely more dangerous than this virus. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt America’s Next Captain shirt Teddy BC why are you getting offended it’s literally the America’s Next Captain shirt moreover I will buy this name of your generation, it wasn’t used to offenda class= data hovercard= ajax hovercard user. Hc_location=ufiGeorge Thompson a. The government should cover the transition costs which will all know would never happen.. I’ve seen plenty of older people not wearing masks and completely ignoring directional and safe distance instructions in shops. Ignorant people believing everyone the media tells them is to blame for them not being rich and having to work 40 hours a week and still struggling to pay rent etc.Let’s be honest if you or anyone else knew how to avoid tax and could do it without any consequences you’d do it. Hc_location=ufiSarah Jane Nelson a. The rest goes to the state to operate various public services and pay for the service sector.It’s less expensive in the long term to keep the retirement age at a sustainable level. People drawing pensions are a constant and ever increasing drain on tax payers money. On this click Young people temporarily out of work are a temporary drain on taxpayers money.Its about creating new jobs, and letting businesses thrive so more money is generated. I volunteered for 10 months before I was offered the job but it was a job I really wanted. All credit to you hun, at least you’re being proactive by enrolling in college.Made redundant after 10 years in my job, 31, starting college in September, but cant get a part time gig for love nor money. Hc_location=ufiPatricia Sadio aHelen Faulkner I’m literally exactly the same as you but for one difference. Id=1589324593&hc_location=ufiLisa Nell a £18k pa 40hr pw f t contract isn’t bad for a careworker without qualifications.They do not want to do those jobs, want to sit at a desk in a suit and play on a PC. Good call, *eye roll* most but not all then they can get 2 jobs cant they now stop trying to support lazy people who stay on benefits because it gives more moneyThey are just using it as an excuse. Yeah it’s greedy free money if you’re poor but an essential bailout if you’re rich. On this click then the youth should be looking for all sorts of jobs not just certain ones that they want plenty of cleaning jobs going: Most cleaning jobs are part time. I still need more people to benefit from it, You can make $50,00 in 72hours without paying commission fee, Just your investment capital. Write the trustworthy manager Mr Steve on facebook Congratulations to everyone who benefited from the site i share yesterday. Buy this shirt:  America’s Next Captain shirt Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt We arrived at his office, and the Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Unfortunately, the Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this phone KEPT ringing, and after a few hangups, the caller finally left a message on the answering machine. In a fog, I could only make out a few words, but it sounded somewhat urgent. I crawled out of bed, got dressed, and played back the message. Turns out it was my landlord calling. He had a police officer with him who really wanted to speak with me…Having no clue as to what he could want from me, I brushed my teeth, put on a hat, and went down to the front office to see what all the fuss was about. As I entered, I was met by the property manager and a very stern-faced detective. Yes, not just a uniformed officer, but an actual detective — who was clearly miffed that I didn’t answer the door for him earlier. Being my usual jovial self, I made some small talk, but that was quickly cut short by the detective who had some ‘very serious’ questions to ask me.Seems another resident (or guest thereof) thought it would be fun to “turf” the apartment complex’s lawn the night before by doing a few donuts therein. *GASP* Oh the humanity! An innocent man, I asked what on Earth that had to do with me.Remember the party I was at the night before? And how the roommate was mowing the lawn? Well, I apparently drove though some of the wet grass clippings he had shot into the street, and those got kicked up onto my car. The detective observed what he thought was irrefutable evidence of my malfeasance, and was confident I was the culprit. There were even threats of jail time and loss of license! I’ve got a younger half sister who is about as nasty as they come. She can be very sweet too. But she cannot get through a single day without creating trouble and drama within the family. It’s like,if things are too peaceful or we might be having a good time, she gets uncomfortable and has to create something to raise hell about. I was using her carport for a couple days to assemble a cabinet as I didn’t have the room at my own small apartment. She charged me $50. One afternoon she comes home in a terrible mood and complains I have been using the carport too long and just goes on with a tangent,cussing and carrying on like a sailor. I finally lost my temper with her ugly display and told her off. I told her I would be gone in 2 hours and Buy this shirt:  Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt May the forest national park service be with you shirt The police in my town are completely out of control. I was falsely accused of assaulting a police officer and not only thrown around like a rag doll but also humiliated. They then targeted me because I told them I have PTSD. I was bullied and again humiliated by being arrested at my child’s school. I may not be black, but I do understand the May the forest national park service be with you shirt and I will buy this feeling of being unsafe around cops. I don’t feel safe in the same town as these cops. I can’t even enjoy my yard or go for a walk. I scurry to my car if I absolutely have to leave the house, usually for appointments. I can’t go outside by myself at all. I wish I could move, but I cannot afford it since I haven’t been able to work because of this, too. These two incidents have changed my life and not for the better.I don’t know if it could be considered an encounter or not, But it certainly was a surprise to my Girlfriend/FianceĆ©’s father. There company has a yearly week long vacation for all their employees and in 2018, it just happened to coincide with our spring break and they asked if we would house/farm sit for them. All we had to do was basically stay there and go down and feed the horses in the Equestrian center twice a day, according to the charts on their stalls. No big deal, about 3 hours of work total each day. We skipped classes before Spring break to go to Ultra 2018 in Miami and her parents were driving down to Galveston to catch their cruise on Early Monday morning.We enjoyed Miami, Ultra ended Sunday night and Monday, we flew here to spend 6 days watching the house and farm. We got here and the horses had a late morning feeding, which her dad knew would happen because of our flight, and the evening feeding went well. We were on a farm with a gated driveway between 5 and 6 miles long, the nearest neighbor was like 8 miles away and we decided to have a naked challenge, just to see how long we could go without a single stitch of clothing, except boots when we dealt with the horses. Buy this shirt:  May the forest national park service be with you shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Release the Snydercut shirt I had this customer let’s call her CR for crazy rude, CR is a gorgeous black woman. Anyway, she’s buying like, sketchbook, stickers, and fake jewels. I start ringing her up and CR is dressed in designer clothes, big gaudy sunglasses and nice jewelry, you get the Release the Snydercut shirt besides I will buy this picture. And she ignoring me when I ask her if she found everything ok, she didn’t want anything to do with the rewards program because she “doesn’t need any discount money ain’t an issue.” And starts YELLING at me because I told her the total. She said “I worked in retail and I worked at restaurants you aren’t supposed to tell them their total it’s rude! You should know better!” I looked at her I was dumbfounded and I tried to explain it was company policy she said “you don’t know what you’re talking about just keep your mouth shut ya little white girl.” I was like tf. I nodded at her and I could see the customers behind her look embarrassed for me so I spoke up a little louder and kind of rudely I’ll admit. I leaned over the counter and pointed at the little screen that shows her the total but is also facing EVERYONE BEHIND HER. “Just in case you didn’t hear me, your total is right there. Ma’am I’m gonna just point one thing out to you. This screen that’s right above your head is also facing everyone behind you. No need for attitude.” She handed me the trashiest, most dirty, coupled dollars I’d ever seen. It looked so bad I didn’t even want to put it in my register. She tried to walk off with her items and I grabbed the bag. “Ma’am, I don’t mean to embarrass you at all. But you’re five dollars short.”I laid on my horn. She turned around and laughed! I put down my window and yelled. She gave me the finger! Oh no, she didn’t! But help was on the way from the driver of the old Ford. I saw the driver, an older farmer type, look back at me and wave. He gunned his old Ford, blowing all that heavy exhaust into the dastardly line cutter’s open car! Her car was engulfed in a cloud of fumes! She was riding his bumper so she got the full dose. She gunned her convertible out of there to the cheers and applause of the cars behind me and those parked on the sides. Buy this shirt:  Release the Snydercut shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black I worked for a clothing store and I was at one of the Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black But I will love this registers (not working the register, but doing some computer price updates) and this woman comes up, moves the lane closed sign and starts unloading her cart. I politely told her the lane was closed that the girl standing at the register right behind me, with no customers in her line, would be glad to help her. “Don’t you know who I am?!” was her response. I knew exactly who she was, unfortunately, a local tv station person who thinks she’s Barbara Walters. She demanded management and started ranting and raving that she was going to do an entire expose on how horrid our customer service was and that she was going to sue all of us for treating her like a second class citizen because we’re jealous of who she is. The manager, who was already sick of this woman because she’d demand we close fitting rooms and wait on her hand and foot like we’re some high end department store in New York or something. She was also notorious for buying outfits, wearing them (we’d see them on her on tv) and then returning them, told her to go ahead and do her expose but that we’re a national company and we’d sue her for defamation of character.A few years ago I was on a line at a BaskinRobbins and there were 2 women in front of me ordering cones, both had ordered and one was waiting for her order the other already had hers. The one waiting wondered about the price to her friend, I said the prices were up one the board, the counter person agreed with me and opened his mouth to tell them the prices. By then the one who’s order was almost done had looked up at the board and said: oh that’s too expensive I don’t want it anymore. The counter guy said ok and did whatever they do with orders like that. And that’s all fine and good….. it was the other lady who was really rude she also decided that it was too expensive… and handed back her partly eaten cone…. Partly eaten… I mean WTF you don’t take a bite of your food and send it back because it’s too expensive, esp when the prices are clearly marked right above the selection… Buy this shirt:  Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt I became a cashier at a hardware store. We offered screws, nuts, bolts, etc. because of the The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt In addition,I will do this piece. There were pencils linked with the racks, with a good amount of indications informing visitors to write down the quantity and price of each item. Some guy came up into counter with a basket filled up with small bags of fasteners, none of them noted with quantities or rates. That implied I had to count all of them and look within the prices for them. It had been over $60 total, for items which are priced at 5–50 cents each. After a couple mins, the range was rapidly developing. We handed every little thing back again to him and informed him he had to cost all of them. Months later on, we wound up behind him when you look at the DMV range at AAA. It will require me less than 5 minutes for a vehicle signed up at AAA, that is exactly what this person had been doing. Nonetheless it performedn’t just take him a few momemts. He surely got to the counter and began yelling in the cashier there. There were a few cashiers, as well as the few people between him and myself, four or five people total, all completed their particular transactions, it had been my change, I completed my exchange about fifteen minutes after he got the the counter. When I walked out, he had been nonetheless offering the cashier difficulty. I do believe possibly he’s only typically a dick. Their cousin also shopped during the equipment store and I also ended up being a little stunned once I found out these were relevant because the bro had been completely opposing.I can’t stand the people that show up with about 30 scratchers and none of them.have the bar code area scratched off. Then they proceed to slowly pick which new ones they want as well as getting some lottery tickets and to top it off, decide to get some money orders and pay for their items in 2 different forms of payment. First come first serve but pleaaaase be considerate and have all your stuff ready to go. The point of a convenience store is that it’s CONVENIENT. The rudest ones are the duos who go to a grocery store and one will stand in a line while the other waits in another. Whichever gets to the conveyer belt to set their groceries down first will flag the other down. Buy this shirt:  The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt One day I run to the We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt also I will do this grocery store near my job to het something from their awesome salad bar for lunch. I get on line behind a lady who has a bunch of stuff but it looks like she’s almost finished. Shd begins arguing with the checker about the price of the canned beans. The checker has to call for assistance and wait for someone to come and go the the aisle to verify the price. This took awhile, but I waited. When it was determined that the beans she had were NOT actually the beans on sale, the checker asked if she still wanted them. Yes, she said she needed them. Then the order is finally rung up and bagged, and now she needs to write a check, but does not have a check card for the particular store we are in. Again we have to call for assistance, and they bring her an application to fill out. Now she looks at me (with the steam coming out of my ears) and says “sorry”. I said “Are you on your lunch hour?” She says “No”. I said, “Well I AM!”. was a cashier at a Dollar Tree store, and a customer loaded up the belt with items for me to check out, and then wandered off to grab some thing else… and then a few other things. I called after her that she needed to finish her shopping so I could finish the purchase, but she sort of brushed me off and kept going. ears ago in a grocery store I was in line behind an elderly woman who was paying with food stamps. She was about 80 and was having some difficulty getting out her food stamps….the woman behind me, a most impatient person, yells out, “Can you please hurry up!! I Don’t have all day! They shouldn’t allow people to pay with food stamps to be in the regular line!”…By the time she got back a few minutes later, I had a line of people built up behind her, and could not ring any of them up because her unfinished purchase was tying up my register. Some got fed up, and went to the line at the other register. Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt An energetic little twenty-something, jabbering loudly on her cellphone, ran ahead of me and cut me off in the You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt in contrast I will get this checkout line at Big Lots. I tuned her out until she pushed me aside to snatch a couple of items off the rack behind me and said, “Suck it in, Grandma!” I was so shocked by her total lack of manners that I was speechless. Then she laughed and said, “Just kidding!” and went back to her business. She bounced out of the store, still jabbering loudly on her cell phone. I was so angry I couldn’t see straight. I never wanted to beat the hell out of someone so badly in all my life. I remember someone in line paying the groceries with jars of coins, and it took forever so all other shopper jammed into the other lines. I mean there are Coinstar machine in the supermarket, why didn’t that person use it. Yeah, that was quite rude. And using the Coinstar machine wasn’t that hard at all. You simply dump your coins on to a “coin catcher” and press start and tilt the coins into a slot and the machine automatically counts the coins and the value. After all the coins have been counted you have the option of a cashier’s check which you can use it toward your grocery bill.Although there are problems in the food stores at the moment, I must say that everyone I’ve encountered has been brilliant. I went into Asda late this afternoon for eggs, toilet rolls, bread, and milk and instead came out with tins of broad beans, a cake, and some quorn burgers. That’s how it is at the moment – select from what is available. I felt like I needed some miniscule hope so bought a lottery ticket as well ? Everyone was queueing and polite, and humour was permeating through the gloom too.I was at a Walmart self check out around midnight. A small line formed and rude man started loudly complaining about “no back up, I have to wait…” etc. A manager came out quickly, opened a new lane and gestured to the complaining man who was NOT next line to come to her register. No one else followed. He checked out and continued to rudely complain as he walked out of the store. She then called me over and several more followed to her lane. I asked “ Get rid of the loud asshole “? She responded “ Management 101 “. We both smiled. Buy this shirt:  You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Fast forward to now, I’m on dating sites to find potential mates. I am finding that the Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt besides I will buy this pattern I described above (you do something they don’t like, and they change) is the same, and I’m able to cut them off early. They will start to distance themselves, be cold and short in their responses after taking time to be thoughtful before. They will ghost you or you will get the silent treatment (don’t give in when they do this). They will try to do the same thing to you that you did to them, only they will prolong the process. If you start to notice this pattern, (I’m not suggesting doing something they dislike on purpose, but when it happens, because it will, notice how they behave afterward), end it quickly. Set your boundaries and stick to them. the same currency would be required to purchase that wealth in an “anchor year”. The ratio of the amount of money needed to purchase the current amount of wealth today versus the amount of money needed to buy the same amount of wealth in the anchor year gives us the inflation rate. For example, if 110 million dollars pays for all the wealth sold this year and 100 million dollars pays for the same amount of wealth sold in the anchor year, which was 5 years ago, the inflation rate is 10% over 5 years or 2% per year average. The total “real” wealth sold would a hundred million dollars. The value of wealth sold measured in terms of what that currency would buy in the anchor year is 100 million. though the transfer of ownership of that form of wealth is a measure of spending and income, not wealth.).By the way, on the wealth axis, increasing the money supply can reduce other money’s buying power.And the Government was more than capable of making this all a legal requirement, long before now. We also have to understand the legal requirements you can’t just tell people they must stay indoors without backing from the law, you are simplyfying. Personally having being furloughed is the best thing for me I loved staying safe at home with loved ones hearing birds singing.Remember that Zac Effron show said it was one of the cleanest rivers in the world. The stuff that is intact, also are at risk of shedding microplastics plastic does biodegrade. Either way the material they are made of didn’t decompose it’s just in smaller pieces. Buy this shirt:  Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt Trouble is noone listened and still dont i dont think anyone really believed it even myself. What exactly do you think is happening now to allow people a more normal life. Also the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this clear bias and very poor interview questioning skills that the media seem to possess.Herd immunity was a huge mistake, especially as the virus only had a 3 month natural immunity. People who might be sceptical as to what is going on could watch this video. We’re fighting back now, I hope you sober up and do what it’s necessary to do the same. Buy this shirt:  Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt T-Shirt AT Fashion LLC ================================== Official Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt We were married for 11yrs, together for 16yrs. I was blind sided. I was a homemaker. due to our financial stability with what he made, which we agreed whoever made more worked, believing in one parent stay home/other worked when raising children. I put my all into being a homemaker. I did his extra errands, kept the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this house pristine, kept our children happy and safe. Put him and the children first and above me, which I felt right in doing so. The first years were great. He treated me as any guy would that was in love with his wife. The last few years of our relationship, something seemed off, and when I would ask he would say I was crazy. I had dreams that he was cheating and I would tell him and he would laugh it off. He wasn’t near as loving as before. Before we wouldn’t go anywhere without each other and now he would leave on work trips telling me we couldn’t afford it for us to go too, which was total bullshit. And, yes, before, and during this time we were very physically active with intimacy. Long story short, he comes home one day and says that he wanted to separate just to get his head clear. I didn’t understand, and as numb as I was and shocked, I loved him so I believed in him and accepted it hoping he would do just as he said. A month tops is what he said. What shocked me the most wasn’t the divorce papers sent after, or the emotional emptiness I felt, it was when reading the paperwork questionnaire, he admitted to multiple affairs he had started having towards the end of the relationship, the detailing of each affair, and how after so long of being with him, how cold he turned on me.He left me for a 19yr old at the time they started hooking up, still together. Not that age matters, in truth, just brought on more insecurities with me after having children, family life, etc. My problem, nothing more. Another issue that shocked me was that we were best friends before all of this, and I had to fight him over everything with it came to finances. I did get a full time job, and did what I could, but it was like his human decency or the fact that I was the mother of his children had no meaning. He flattered himself, she had a drunk mistake and she didn’t actually find him that cute or was interested. He always was into curvy blondes and I was a slim brunette so I guess he thought he found his upgrade. Tbh idk if she even knew he had a gf and they met at a party when I was in NY. I put things together and found out. Apparently they still texted some after and I read them but it was obvious it was him trying to reach out and start a conversation and her barely responding with small talk. They hung out a couple times to smoke and her get free weed, but wouldn’t get sexual with him then take off. I found all this out months after and broke up, but nothing happened with them after. She basically acted like it never happened from what I heard and when I checked her Facebook a year or so back curious, she has moved far away for some new job. They never dated or anything after we ended. He’s still single years later and tried going after a lot of the cute blondes in our town. Many weren’t interested and turned him down, and later when they realized he was my ex and we made friends, tell me the awkward date they had with him before ghosting or him constantly trying to get in their dms and ignoring/blocking him. I guess the grass isn’t always greener. He’s getting close to 30 now, we broke up 4 or so years ago, but he moved away so maybe he’ll finally get his dream girl but if he does I feel bad for her. He tried reaching out some to me and said he was sorry for how toxic he was, but the I can tell he still is. And more importantly I actually have a good bf now whose kind, more handsome, we live together, and he treats me way better so I don’t see him trying to make amends with me anytime soon lol. I’ve had it a couple times when a guy has gone on the treadmill next to me while I’m running.. tried to talk to me when I have ear phones in. I slow down and take my earphones out and he’s proceeded to chat me up. Like that’s really not the time is it? I’m there sweating like crazy out of breath!For doing so, I was ordered to strip. So tearfully I slowly lowered my pants. As mother went to foyer closet and took the large black belt out to spank me with. When she came back to the sofa, there I was standing in tee shirt and tighty whites. Looking at me with a staire that chilled me to the bones. She tore the teeshirt off over my head telling me through gritted teeth that she said strip damit . So I also lowered my underwear to my feet.” Bend over the arm…NOW!” obediently I leaned over trying to prepare for what I knew was going to be one he’ll of an ass whipping. With tears flowing freely from my eyrs, whack after cracking wack, burned down my ass and upper legs. AS I whimpered and begged her to please stop. I looked up at the group of boys who were laughing and high-fiving each other. The boy who had kicked the ball was being praised and clapped on the back by his friends. He stuck out his tongue at me before resuming his game.This happened once, but with my SIL. My hubs and I were stationed in Germany, and we came to the states for a visit when our son was about 16 months old. I was about 7 months pregnant at the time. SIL wanted to take him to the store with her kids. I said no. She didn’t have a car seat, and I don’t know her (but I’ve heard PLENTY about her). About 20 minutes later, I can’t find him. I ask my hubs, who went to check, and sure enough, she was putting him in her van. She just assumed she could take him anyway, and that I would keep quiet to keep the piece. Umm…no. Hubs was pissed too. He grabbed our son and brought him to me. I was so freaking livid.She would always try to undermine me with my own kids. She was raising my stepson when she called and said we had to take him. We did, but always tried to act like she was his mom and in charge when we would visit. I ALWAYS put my foot down. My mom was a disciplinarian, and so am I. She rejected him because she raised him to be bad…really and truly…through neglect and abuse. And it took years to undo SOME of that. The rest we couldn’t do anything about.Eventually he became the first and last person I thought of each day. Around 6 months of platonic friendship he called and asked if I could run him to the store, his car had broke down. I picked him up and as I pulled out of the driveway he leans over and kisses me. I can still remember the kiss, sweet like candy. And dangerous. I knew I had to stop whatever was happening, it was going to end badly.I tried to stop it before it went any futher after that day. Tried asking my husband to not have him come around as much. But with it being his friend unless I told him why it would never happen. But I also knew if I told him What I was feeling or that he and I had gotten too close my husband would hurt him.He and I would pass a thumb drive back and forth, mostly to share music with one another. But sometimes there would be a note to the other person. On the day it blew up my husband found the drive in my jeans while I was in the shower. He looked on it and a note from him to me was saved with the original text that I had sent to him first. I was telling him it needed to stop, that it was going to far and I couldn’t continue carrying on like we had been because I was starting to fall for him.Of course husband was livid and after we’ll call it discussing the affair“. He would not relent, demanding I tell him the truth, what would agree with what he assumed was the truth at least – he accused me of infeldelity and left the house. He did get in to it with his ex-friend. And I wish it had a better ending or a I had better sense to never let it go to the point I allowed it to.Well they basically called us a week after claiming we owed them $5000 for damages when we kept the house relatively clean and undamaged (just normal wear and tear, which they were aware of as they were there every month during our tenancy) and told us to get a lawyer!So lesson here is take pictures and lots of them. Know your rights. The guy seemed upstanding at first but people aren’t what they seem.My boyfriend’s mom (let’s call her Karen lol) asked my bf how many people I’ve been with. Bf answers honestly (looking back I don’t know why he felt the need to divulge such personal information about me but whatever). Then she says, “well I wouldn’t tell you if I slept with the entire football team either”. If it’s safe and consensual, then personally I don’t see a problem with someone sleeping with the whole football team lol. More power to ‘em and no one’s business but theirs!I was at a buddies place one afternoon drinking too much beer. His dog was a bit restless and it was apparent that she needed relief. Neither of us were willing to cooperate and there was a big yard for the dog to use. Sitting on the deck watching her do the circle thing that dogs do, she suddenly pushed away a board in the fence and stepped through to the neighbor’s yard. When on the other side, she replaced the fence board so you would have no idea that she had escaped. Jeff said that she did this often and he would sometimes block her re-entry so she would come to the front door and scratch/bark.I occasionally think that some people use Quora as an easy alternative to doing their own research. Most of the “How do you use X in a sentence” questions can simply be solved by looking in a dictionary, especially if the word is a noun. Doing your own research is the best way to learn, rather than just copying out someone else’s answer.Another time that makes a close tie to the first is when Karen told me that if I were a good daughter I would have taken a time off college to take care of my mom when she had cancer. Little did she know that I actually wanted to do that for my mom, but both my parents wouldn’t hear of it. My university was a two hour drive from home so I’d just go home every weekend. I struggled a lot about feeling like I didn’t do enough for my mom, and Karen’s comment really cut deep and reaffirmed my existing guilt. I think Quora is great for helping with difficult questions: in language problems it is an excellent way of learning idioms and detailed phrasing such as prepositions (get into, get on, get off, get over, get through etc). Buy this shirt: What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt We arrived at his office, and the What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles shirt it is in the first place but door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt Just takes time to run the Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories shirt In addition,I will do this experiments, and there are only so many immunologists out there. Yes we’ve shown that antibody titres decrease over time, but it could be that immunity is maintained by a robust t cell response. I totally agree that we shouldn’t be pursuing herd immunity to a coronavirus there’s just not enough evidence that immune responses persist, however it hasn’t been proven for this one.If it was it’s not gone down well Peter Bradley I’ll remind my friend of that who died in April and another I know who spent a month in intensive care. Magnify that by at least 10 and still counting the after effects, deaths and chronically sick. Pity it takes some people to realise how bad it is when it affects your own relatives then shock, horror, the wake up call kicks in then it’s too late.Hc_location=ufiPer Qvindesland a oh thank god we have the genius scientific mind of yourself to tell us that. Really pls tell me why the hospitals wernt over flowing like some places in europe. Sue Zooki a the future and the answers were clearly available in Asia and southern Europe in February but the PM was not interested.You are very easily pleased as someone experiencing the worst morbidity rate in Europe and still in the Top 10 infected countries in the world. I’m not knocking the NZ prime minister, I think the world needs more leaders such as she. I understand population density, however at this point in the pandemic I don’t trust the statistics. Given attendees are also generally young, there would also more likely be an effect on those they pass it onto than in themselves. We don’t know that, given that mass tracking and testing is not in place. The participants in the mass protests, beach gatherings and illegal raves of recent weeks were all still going down that herd immunity route, presumably.We could literally see the effects playing out in other countries, and this shambolic government chose to do nothing. And the current cases are mainly from migrants arriving legally or illegally from abroad. Of course there are businesses that have had to close or are experiencing financial difficulties, but otherwise, for the moment, we’re having fewer daily cases than Germany.Italy experienced its’ peak well before the UK, and Italy is once again limiting businesses. Funny that or was it the second wave Chris Miller: On that day, Italy was shutting all non essential shops and the Republic of Ireland announced that schools would close. Hc_location=ufiTyler Brown a. Buy this shirt:  Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt How very convenient for any government making policies most others thought wrong. Hc_location=ufiAndrew Hislop a. Anyone passing judgement now are more concerned about point scoring against a gov they probably didn’t vote for.Will be a good 5 years before anyone can say how any country handled this outbreak. By the All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt moreover I love this way, Germany, which fortunately never entertained any herd immunity illusions, has 109. Just look at the care homes they have performed better than the rest of europe if things were as bad as they were making out the figures for the care homes would be different.Maybe telling people the truth and actually doing something about it is a better option after all. Much like trump said to the USA, and now they have such low infection rates. Wouldn’t it be so much better if we were told how good everything is, that the virus would be gone so quickly, and that it’s not too bad anyway. Any rushed long term safety skipped RNA vaccine is likely more dangerous than this virus. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt America’s Next Captain shirt Teddy BC why are you getting offended it’s literally the America’s Next Captain shirt moreover I will buy this name of your generation, it wasn’t used to offenda class= data hovercard= ajax hovercard user. Hc_location=ufiGeorge Thompson a. The government should cover the transition costs which will all know would never happen.. I’ve seen plenty of older people not wearing masks and completely ignoring directional and safe distance instructions in shops. Ignorant people believing everyone the media tells them is to blame for them not being rich and having to work 40 hours a week and still struggling to pay rent etc.Let’s be honest if you or anyone else knew how to avoid tax and could do it without any consequences you’d do it. Hc_location=ufiSarah Jane Nelson a. The rest goes to the state to operate various public services and pay for the service sector.It’s less expensive in the long term to keep the retirement age at a sustainable level. People drawing pensions are a constant and ever increasing drain on tax payers money. On this click Young people temporarily out of work are a temporary drain on taxpayers money.Its about creating new jobs, and letting businesses thrive so more money is generated. I volunteered for 10 months before I was offered the job but it was a job I really wanted. All credit to you hun, at least you’re being proactive by enrolling in college.Made redundant after 10 years in my job, 31, starting college in September, but cant get a part time gig for love nor money. Hc_location=ufiPatricia Sadio aHelen Faulkner I’m literally exactly the same as you but for one difference. Id=1589324593&hc_location=ufiLisa Nell a £18k pa 40hr pw f t contract isn’t bad for a careworker without qualifications.They do not want to do those jobs, want to sit at a desk in a suit and play on a PC. Good call, *eye roll* most but not all then they can get 2 jobs cant they now stop trying to support lazy people who stay on benefits because it gives more moneyThey are just using it as an excuse. Yeah it’s greedy free money if you’re poor but an essential bailout if you’re rich. On this click then the youth should be looking for all sorts of jobs not just certain ones that they want plenty of cleaning jobs going: Most cleaning jobs are part time. I still need more people to benefit from it, You can make $50,00 in 72hours without paying commission fee, Just your investment capital. Write the trustworthy manager Mr Steve on facebook Congratulations to everyone who benefited from the site i share yesterday. Buy this shirt:  America’s Next Captain shirt Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt We arrived at his office, and the Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Unfortunately, the Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this phone KEPT ringing, and after a few hangups, the caller finally left a message on the answering machine. In a fog, I could only make out a few words, but it sounded somewhat urgent. I crawled out of bed, got dressed, and played back the message. Turns out it was my landlord calling. He had a police officer with him who really wanted to speak with me…Having no clue as to what he could want from me, I brushed my teeth, put on a hat, and went down to the front office to see what all the fuss was about. As I entered, I was met by the property manager and a very stern-faced detective. Yes, not just a uniformed officer, but an actual detective — who was clearly miffed that I didn’t answer the door for him earlier. Being my usual jovial self, I made some small talk, but that was quickly cut short by the detective who had some ‘very serious’ questions to ask me.Seems another resident (or guest thereof) thought it would be fun to “turf” the apartment complex’s lawn the night before by doing a few donuts therein. *GASP* Oh the humanity! An innocent man, I asked what on Earth that had to do with me.Remember the party I was at the night before? And how the roommate was mowing the lawn? Well, I apparently drove though some of the wet grass clippings he had shot into the street, and those got kicked up onto my car. The detective observed what he thought was irrefutable evidence of my malfeasance, and was confident I was the culprit. There were even threats of jail time and loss of license! I’ve got a younger half sister who is about as nasty as they come. She can be very sweet too. But she cannot get through a single day without creating trouble and drama within the family. It’s like,if things are too peaceful or we might be having a good time, she gets uncomfortable and has to create something to raise hell about. I was using her carport for a couple days to assemble a cabinet as I didn’t have the room at my own small apartment. She charged me $50. One afternoon she comes home in a terrible mood and complains I have been using the carport too long and just goes on with a tangent,cussing and carrying on like a sailor. I finally lost my temper with her ugly display and told her off. I told her I would be gone in 2 hours and Buy this shirt:  Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt May the forest national park service be with you shirt The police in my town are completely out of control. I was falsely accused of assaulting a police officer and not only thrown around like a rag doll but also humiliated. They then targeted me because I told them I have PTSD. I was bullied and again humiliated by being arrested at my child’s school. I may not be black, but I do understand the May the forest national park service be with you shirt and I will buy this feeling of being unsafe around cops. I don’t feel safe in the same town as these cops. I can’t even enjoy my yard or go for a walk. I scurry to my car if I absolutely have to leave the house, usually for appointments. I can’t go outside by myself at all. I wish I could move, but I cannot afford it since I haven’t been able to work because of this, too. These two incidents have changed my life and not for the better.I don’t know if it could be considered an encounter or not, But it certainly was a surprise to my Girlfriend/FianceĆ©’s father. There company has a yearly week long vacation for all their employees and in 2018, it just happened to coincide with our spring break and they asked if we would house/farm sit for them. All we had to do was basically stay there and go down and feed the horses in the Equestrian center twice a day, according to the charts on their stalls. No big deal, about 3 hours of work total each day. We skipped classes before Spring break to go to Ultra 2018 in Miami and her parents were driving down to Galveston to catch their cruise on Early Monday morning.We enjoyed Miami, Ultra ended Sunday night and Monday, we flew here to spend 6 days watching the house and farm. We got here and the horses had a late morning feeding, which her dad knew would happen because of our flight, and the evening feeding went well. We were on a farm with a gated driveway between 5 and 6 miles long, the nearest neighbor was like 8 miles away and we decided to have a naked challenge, just to see how long we could go without a single stitch of clothing, except boots when we dealt with the horses. Buy this shirt:  May the forest national park service be with you shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Release the Snydercut shirt I had this customer let’s call her CR for crazy rude, CR is a gorgeous black woman. Anyway, she’s buying like, sketchbook, stickers, and fake jewels. I start ringing her up and CR is dressed in designer clothes, big gaudy sunglasses and nice jewelry, you get the Release the Snydercut shirt besides I will buy this picture. And she ignoring me when I ask her if she found everything ok, she didn’t want anything to do with the rewards program because she “doesn’t need any discount money ain’t an issue.” And starts YELLING at me because I told her the total. She said “I worked in retail and I worked at restaurants you aren’t supposed to tell them their total it’s rude! You should know better!” I looked at her I was dumbfounded and I tried to explain it was company policy she said “you don’t know what you’re talking about just keep your mouth shut ya little white girl.” I was like tf. I nodded at her and I could see the customers behind her look embarrassed for me so I spoke up a little louder and kind of rudely I’ll admit. I leaned over the counter and pointed at the little screen that shows her the total but is also facing EVERYONE BEHIND HER. “Just in case you didn’t hear me, your total is right there. Ma’am I’m gonna just point one thing out to you. This screen that’s right above your head is also facing everyone behind you. No need for attitude.” She handed me the trashiest, most dirty, coupled dollars I’d ever seen. It looked so bad I didn’t even want to put it in my register. She tried to walk off with her items and I grabbed the bag. “Ma’am, I don’t mean to embarrass you at all. But you’re five dollars short.”I laid on my horn. She turned around and laughed! I put down my window and yelled. She gave me the finger! Oh no, she didn’t! But help was on the way from the driver of the old Ford. I saw the driver, an older farmer type, look back at me and wave. He gunned his old Ford, blowing all that heavy exhaust into the dastardly line cutter’s open car! Her car was engulfed in a cloud of fumes! She was riding his bumper so she got the full dose. She gunned her convertible out of there to the cheers and applause of the cars behind me and those parked on the sides. Buy this shirt:  Release the Snydercut shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black I worked for a clothing store and I was at one of the Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black But I will love this registers (not working the register, but doing some computer price updates) and this woman comes up, moves the lane closed sign and starts unloading her cart. I politely told her the lane was closed that the girl standing at the register right behind me, with no customers in her line, would be glad to help her. “Don’t you know who I am?!” was her response. I knew exactly who she was, unfortunately, a local tv station person who thinks she’s Barbara Walters. She demanded management and started ranting and raving that she was going to do an entire expose on how horrid our customer service was and that she was going to sue all of us for treating her like a second class citizen because we’re jealous of who she is. The manager, who was already sick of this woman because she’d demand we close fitting rooms and wait on her hand and foot like we’re some high end department store in New York or something. She was also notorious for buying outfits, wearing them (we’d see them on her on tv) and then returning them, told her to go ahead and do her expose but that we’re a national company and we’d sue her for defamation of character.A few years ago I was on a line at a BaskinRobbins and there were 2 women in front of me ordering cones, both had ordered and one was waiting for her order the other already had hers. The one waiting wondered about the price to her friend, I said the prices were up one the board, the counter person agreed with me and opened his mouth to tell them the prices. By then the one who’s order was almost done had looked up at the board and said: oh that’s too expensive I don’t want it anymore. The counter guy said ok and did whatever they do with orders like that. And that’s all fine and good….. it was the other lady who was really rude she also decided that it was too expensive… and handed back her partly eaten cone…. Partly eaten… I mean WTF you don’t take a bite of your food and send it back because it’s too expensive, esp when the prices are clearly marked right above the selection… Buy this shirt:  Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt I became a cashier at a hardware store. We offered screws, nuts, bolts, etc. because of the The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt In addition,I will do this piece. There were pencils linked with the racks, with a good amount of indications informing visitors to write down the quantity and price of each item. Some guy came up into counter with a basket filled up with small bags of fasteners, none of them noted with quantities or rates. That implied I had to count all of them and look within the prices for them. It had been over $60 total, for items which are priced at 5–50 cents each. After a couple mins, the range was rapidly developing. We handed every little thing back again to him and informed him he had to cost all of them. Months later on, we wound up behind him when you look at the DMV range at AAA. It will require me less than 5 minutes for a vehicle signed up at AAA, that is exactly what this person had been doing. Nonetheless it performedn’t just take him a few momemts. He surely got to the counter and began yelling in the cashier there. There were a few cashiers, as well as the few people between him and myself, four or five people total, all completed their particular transactions, it had been my change, I completed my exchange about fifteen minutes after he got the the counter. When I walked out, he had been nonetheless offering the cashier difficulty. I do believe possibly he’s only typically a dick. Their cousin also shopped during the equipment store and I also ended up being a little stunned once I found out these were relevant because the bro had been completely opposing.I can’t stand the people that show up with about 30 scratchers and none of them.have the bar code area scratched off. Then they proceed to slowly pick which new ones they want as well as getting some lottery tickets and to top it off, decide to get some money orders and pay for their items in 2 different forms of payment. First come first serve but pleaaaase be considerate and have all your stuff ready to go. The point of a convenience store is that it’s CONVENIENT. The rudest ones are the duos who go to a grocery store and one will stand in a line while the other waits in another. Whichever gets to the conveyer belt to set their groceries down first will flag the other down. Buy this shirt:  The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt One day I run to the We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt also I will do this grocery store near my job to het something from their awesome salad bar for lunch. I get on line behind a lady who has a bunch of stuff but it looks like she’s almost finished. Shd begins arguing with the checker about the price of the canned beans. The checker has to call for assistance and wait for someone to come and go the the aisle to verify the price. This took awhile, but I waited. When it was determined that the beans she had were NOT actually the beans on sale, the checker asked if she still wanted them. Yes, she said she needed them. Then the order is finally rung up and bagged, and now she needs to write a check, but does not have a check card for the particular store we are in. Again we have to call for assistance, and they bring her an application to fill out. Now she looks at me (with the steam coming out of my ears) and says “sorry”. I said “Are you on your lunch hour?” She says “No”. I said, “Well I AM!”. was a cashier at a Dollar Tree store, and a customer loaded up the belt with items for me to check out, and then wandered off to grab some thing else… and then a few other things. I called after her that she needed to finish her shopping so I could finish the purchase, but she sort of brushed me off and kept going. ears ago in a grocery store I was in line behind an elderly woman who was paying with food stamps. She was about 80 and was having some difficulty getting out her food stamps….the woman behind me, a most impatient person, yells out, “Can you please hurry up!! I Don’t have all day! They shouldn’t allow people to pay with food stamps to be in the regular line!”…By the time she got back a few minutes later, I had a line of people built up behind her, and could not ring any of them up because her unfinished purchase was tying up my register. Some got fed up, and went to the line at the other register. Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt An energetic little twenty-something, jabbering loudly on her cellphone, ran ahead of me and cut me off in the You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt in contrast I will get this checkout line at Big Lots. I tuned her out until she pushed me aside to snatch a couple of items off the rack behind me and said, “Suck it in, Grandma!” I was so shocked by her total lack of manners that I was speechless. Then she laughed and said, “Just kidding!” and went back to her business. She bounced out of the store, still jabbering loudly on her cell phone. I was so angry I couldn’t see straight. I never wanted to beat the hell out of someone so badly in all my life. I remember someone in line paying the groceries with jars of coins, and it took forever so all other shopper jammed into the other lines. I mean there are Coinstar machine in the supermarket, why didn’t that person use it. Yeah, that was quite rude. And using the Coinstar machine wasn’t that hard at all. You simply dump your coins on to a “coin catcher” and press start and tilt the coins into a slot and the machine automatically counts the coins and the value. After all the coins have been counted you have the option of a cashier’s check which you can use it toward your grocery bill.Although there are problems in the food stores at the moment, I must say that everyone I’ve encountered has been brilliant. I went into Asda late this afternoon for eggs, toilet rolls, bread, and milk and instead came out with tins of broad beans, a cake, and some quorn burgers. That’s how it is at the moment – select from what is available. I felt like I needed some miniscule hope so bought a lottery ticket as well ? Everyone was queueing and polite, and humour was permeating through the gloom too.I was at a Walmart self check out around midnight. A small line formed and rude man started loudly complaining about “no back up, I have to wait…” etc. A manager came out quickly, opened a new lane and gestured to the complaining man who was NOT next line to come to her register. No one else followed. He checked out and continued to rudely complain as he walked out of the store. She then called me over and several more followed to her lane. I asked “ Get rid of the loud asshole “? She responded “ Management 101 “. We both smiled. Buy this shirt:  You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Fast forward to now, I’m on dating sites to find potential mates. I am finding that the Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt besides I will buy this pattern I described above (you do something they don’t like, and they change) is the same, and I’m able to cut them off early. They will start to distance themselves, be cold and short in their responses after taking time to be thoughtful before. They will ghost you or you will get the silent treatment (don’t give in when they do this). They will try to do the same thing to you that you did to them, only they will prolong the process. If you start to notice this pattern, (I’m not suggesting doing something they dislike on purpose, but when it happens, because it will, notice how they behave afterward), end it quickly. Set your boundaries and stick to them. the same currency would be required to purchase that wealth in an “anchor year”. The ratio of the amount of money needed to purchase the current amount of wealth today versus the amount of money needed to buy the same amount of wealth in the anchor year gives us the inflation rate. For example, if 110 million dollars pays for all the wealth sold this year and 100 million dollars pays for the same amount of wealth sold in the anchor year, which was 5 years ago, the inflation rate is 10% over 5 years or 2% per year average. The total “real” wealth sold would a hundred million dollars. The value of wealth sold measured in terms of what that currency would buy in the anchor year is 100 million. though the transfer of ownership of that form of wealth is a measure of spending and income, not wealth.).By the way, on the wealth axis, increasing the money supply can reduce other money’s buying power.And the Government was more than capable of making this all a legal requirement, long before now. We also have to understand the legal requirements you can’t just tell people they must stay indoors without backing from the law, you are simplyfying. Personally having being furloughed is the best thing for me I loved staying safe at home with loved ones hearing birds singing.Remember that Zac Effron show said it was one of the cleanest rivers in the world. The stuff that is intact, also are at risk of shedding microplastics plastic does biodegrade. Either way the material they are made of didn’t decompose it’s just in smaller pieces. Buy this shirt:  Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt Trouble is noone listened and still dont i dont think anyone really believed it even myself. What exactly do you think is happening now to allow people a more normal life. Also the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this clear bias and very poor interview questioning skills that the media seem to possess.Herd immunity was a huge mistake, especially as the virus only had a 3 month natural immunity. People who might be sceptical as to what is going on could watch this video. We’re fighting back now, I hope you sober up and do what it’s necessary to do the same. Buy this shirt:  Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt T-Shirt AT Fashion LLC ================================== Official Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt We were married for 11yrs, together for 16yrs. I was blind sided. I was a homemaker. due to our financial stability with what he made, which we agreed whoever made more worked, believing in one parent stay home/other worked when raising children. I put my all into being a homemaker. I did his extra errands, kept the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this house pristine, kept our children happy and safe. Put him and the children first and above me, which I felt right in doing so. The first years were great. He treated me as any guy would that was in love with his wife. The last few years of our relationship, something seemed off, and when I would ask he would say I was crazy. I had dreams that he was cheating and I would tell him and he would laugh it off. He wasn’t near as loving as before. Before we wouldn’t go anywhere without each other and now he would leave on work trips telling me we couldn’t afford it for us to go too, which was total bullshit. And, yes, before, and during this time we were very physically active with intimacy. Long story short, he comes home one day and says that he wanted to separate just to get his head clear. I didn’t understand, and as numb as I was and shocked, I loved him so I believed in him and accepted it hoping he would do just as he said. A month tops is what he said. What shocked me the most wasn’t the divorce papers sent after, or the emotional emptiness I felt, it was when reading the paperwork questionnaire, he admitted to multiple affairs he had started having towards the end of the relationship, the detailing of each affair, and how after so long of being with him, how cold he turned on me.He left me for a 19yr old at the time they started hooking up, still together. Not that age matters, in truth, just brought on more insecurities with me after having children, family life, etc. My problem, nothing more. Another issue that shocked me was that we were best friends before all of this, and I had to fight him over everything with it came to finances. I did get a full time job, and did what I could, but it was like his human decency or the fact that I was the mother of his children had no meaning. He flattered himself, she had a drunk mistake and she didn’t actually find him that cute or was interested. He always was into curvy blondes and I was a slim brunette so I guess he thought he found his upgrade. Tbh idk if she even knew he had a gf and they met at a party when I was in NY. I put things together and found out. Apparently they still texted some after and I read them but it was obvious it was him trying to reach out and start a conversation and her barely responding with small talk. They hung out a couple times to smoke and her get free weed, but wouldn’t get sexual with him then take off. I found all this out months after and broke up, but nothing happened with them after. She basically acted like it never happened from what I heard and when I checked her Facebook a year or so back curious, she has moved far away for some new job. They never dated or anything after we ended. He’s still single years later and tried going after a lot of the cute blondes in our town. Many weren’t interested and turned him down, and later when they realized he was my ex and we made friends, tell me the awkward date they had with him before ghosting or him constantly trying to get in their dms and ignoring/blocking him. I guess the grass isn’t always greener. He’s getting close to 30 now, we broke up 4 or so years ago, but he moved away so maybe he’ll finally get his dream girl but if he does I feel bad for her. He tried reaching out some to me and said he was sorry for how toxic he was, but the I can tell he still is. And more importantly I actually have a good bf now whose kind, more handsome, we live together, and he treats me way better so I don’t see him trying to make amends with me anytime soon lol. I’ve had it a couple times when a guy has gone on the treadmill next to me while I’m running.. tried to talk to me when I have ear phones in. I slow down and take my earphones out and he’s proceeded to chat me up. Like that’s really not the time is it? I’m there sweating like crazy out of breath!For doing so, I was ordered to strip. So tearfully I slowly lowered my pants. As mother went to foyer closet and took the large black belt out to spank me with. When she came back to the sofa, there I was standing in tee shirt and tighty whites. Looking at me with a staire that chilled me to the bones. She tore the teeshirt off over my head telling me through gritted teeth that she said strip damit . So I also lowered my underwear to my feet.” Bend over the arm…NOW!” obediently I leaned over trying to prepare for what I knew was going to be one he’ll of an ass whipping. With tears flowing freely from my eyrs, whack after cracking wack, burned down my ass and upper legs. AS I whimpered and begged her to please stop. I looked up at the group of boys who were laughing and high-fiving each other. The boy who had kicked the ball was being praised and clapped on the back by his friends. He stuck out his tongue at me before resuming his game.This happened once, but with my SIL. My hubs and I were stationed in Germany, and we came to the states for a visit when our son was about 16 months old. I was about 7 months pregnant at the time. SIL wanted to take him to the store with her kids. I said no. She didn’t have a car seat, and I don’t know her (but I’ve heard PLENTY about her). About 20 minutes later, I can’t find him. I ask my hubs, who went to check, and sure enough, she was putting him in her van. She just assumed she could take him anyway, and that I would keep quiet to keep the piece. Umm…no. Hubs was pissed too. He grabbed our son and brought him to me. I was so freaking livid.She would always try to undermine me with my own kids. She was raising my stepson when she called and said we had to take him. We did, but always tried to act like she was his mom and in charge when we would visit. I ALWAYS put my foot down. My mom was a disciplinarian, and so am I. She rejected him because she raised him to be bad…really and truly…through neglect and abuse. And it took years to undo SOME of that. The rest we couldn’t do anything about.Eventually he became the first and last person I thought of each day. Around 6 months of platonic friendship he called and asked if I could run him to the store, his car had broke down. I picked him up and as I pulled out of the driveway he leans over and kisses me. I can still remember the kiss, sweet like candy. And dangerous. I knew I had to stop whatever was happening, it was going to end badly.I tried to stop it before it went any futher after that day. Tried asking my husband to not have him come around as much. But with it being his friend unless I told him why it would never happen. But I also knew if I told him What I was feeling or that he and I had gotten too close my husband would hurt him.He and I would pass a thumb drive back and forth, mostly to share music with one another. But sometimes there would be a note to the other person. On the day it blew up my husband found the drive in my jeans while I was in the shower. He looked on it and a note from him to me was saved with the original text that I had sent to him first. I was telling him it needed to stop, that it was going to far and I couldn’t continue carrying on like we had been because I was starting to fall for him.Of course husband was livid and after we’ll call it discussing the affair“. He would not relent, demanding I tell him the truth, what would agree with what he assumed was the truth at least – he accused me of infeldelity and left the house. He did get in to it with his ex-friend. And I wish it had a better ending or a I had better sense to never let it go to the point I allowed it to.Well they basically called us a week after claiming we owed them $5000 for damages when we kept the house relatively clean and undamaged (just normal wear and tear, which they were aware of as they were there every month during our tenancy) and told us to get a lawyer!So lesson here is take pictures and lots of them. Know your rights. The guy seemed upstanding at first but people aren’t what they seem.My boyfriend’s mom (let’s call her Karen lol) asked my bf how many people I’ve been with. Bf answers honestly (looking back I don’t know why he felt the need to divulge such personal information about me but whatever). Then she says, “well I wouldn’t tell you if I slept with the entire football team either”. If it’s safe and consensual, then personally I don’t see a problem with someone sleeping with the whole football team lol. More power to ‘em and no one’s business but theirs!I was at a buddies place one afternoon drinking too much beer. His dog was a bit restless and it was apparent that she needed relief. Neither of us were willing to cooperate and there was a big yard for the dog to use. Sitting on the deck watching her do the circle thing that dogs do, she suddenly pushed away a board in the fence and stepped through to the neighbor’s yard. When on the other side, she replaced the fence board so you would have no idea that she had escaped. Jeff said that she did this often and he would sometimes block her re-entry so she would come to the front door and scratch/bark.I occasionally think that some people use Quora as an easy alternative to doing their own research. Most of the “How do you use X in a sentence” questions can simply be solved by looking in a dictionary, especially if the word is a noun. Doing your own research is the best way to learn, rather than just copying out someone else’s answer.Another time that makes a close tie to the first is when Karen told me that if I were a good daughter I would have taken a time off college to take care of my mom when she had cancer. Little did she know that I actually wanted to do that for my mom, but both my parents wouldn’t hear of it. My university was a two hour drive from home so I’d just go home every weekend. I struggled a lot about feeling like I didn’t do enough for my mom, and Karen’s comment really cut deep and reaffirmed my existing guilt. I think Quora is great for helping with difficult questions: in language problems it is an excellent way of learning idioms and detailed phrasing such as prepositions (get into, get on, get off, get over, get through etc). Buy this shirt: What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt We arrived at his office, and the What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles shirt it is in the first place but door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt

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Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt Just takes time to run the Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories shirt In addition,I will do this experiments, and there are only so many immunologists out there. Yes we’ve shown that antibody titres decrease over time, but it could be that immunity is maintained by a robust t cell response. I totally agree that we shouldn’t be pursuing herd immunity to a coronavirus there’s just not enough evidence that immune responses persist, however it hasn’t been proven for this one.If it was it’s not gone down well Peter Bradley I’ll remind my friend of that who died in April and another I know who spent a month in intensive care. Magnify that by at least 10 and still counting the after effects, deaths and chronically sick. Pity it takes some people to realise how bad it is when it affects your own relatives then shock, horror, the wake up call kicks in then it’s too late.Hc_location=ufiPer Qvindesland a oh thank god we have the genius scientific mind of yourself to tell us that. Really pls tell me why the hospitals wernt over flowing like some places in europe. Sue Zooki a the future and the answers were clearly available in Asia and southern Europe in February but the PM was not interested.You are very easily pleased as someone experiencing the worst morbidity rate in Europe and still in the Top 10 infected countries in the world. I’m not knocking the NZ prime minister, I think the world needs more leaders such as she. I understand population density, however at this point in the pandemic I don’t trust the statistics. Given attendees are also generally young, there would also more likely be an effect on those they pass it onto than in themselves. We don’t know that, given that mass tracking and testing is not in place. The participants in the mass protests, beach gatherings and illegal raves of recent weeks were all still going down that herd immunity route, presumably.We could literally see the effects playing out in other countries, and this shambolic government chose to do nothing. And the current cases are mainly from migrants arriving legally or illegally from abroad. Of course there are businesses that have had to close or are experiencing financial difficulties, but otherwise, for the moment, we’re having fewer daily cases than Germany.Italy experienced its’ peak well before the UK, and Italy is once again limiting businesses. Funny that or was it the second wave Chris Miller: On that day, Italy was shutting all non essential shops and the Republic of Ireland announced that schools would close. Hc_location=ufiTyler Brown a. Buy this shirt:  Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt How very convenient for any government making policies most others thought wrong. Hc_location=ufiAndrew Hislop a. Anyone passing judgement now are more concerned about point scoring against a gov they probably didn’t vote for.Will be a good 5 years before anyone can say how any country handled this outbreak. By the All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt moreover I love this way, Germany, which fortunately never entertained any herd immunity illusions, has 109. Just look at the care homes they have performed better than the rest of europe if things were as bad as they were making out the figures for the care homes would be different.Maybe telling people the truth and actually doing something about it is a better option after all. Much like trump said to the USA, and now they have such low infection rates. Wouldn’t it be so much better if we were told how good everything is, that the virus would be gone so quickly, and that it’s not too bad anyway. Any rushed long term safety skipped RNA vaccine is likely more dangerous than this virus. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt America’s Next Captain shirt Teddy BC why are you getting offended it’s literally the America’s Next Captain shirt moreover I will buy this name of your generation, it wasn’t used to offenda class= data hovercard= ajax hovercard user. Hc_location=ufiGeorge Thompson a. The government should cover the transition costs which will all know would never happen.. I’ve seen plenty of older people not wearing masks and completely ignoring directional and safe distance instructions in shops. Ignorant people believing everyone the media tells them is to blame for them not being rich and having to work 40 hours a week and still struggling to pay rent etc.Let’s be honest if you or anyone else knew how to avoid tax and could do it without any consequences you’d do it. Hc_location=ufiSarah Jane Nelson a. The rest goes to the state to operate various public services and pay for the service sector.It’s less expensive in the long term to keep the retirement age at a sustainable level. People drawing pensions are a constant and ever increasing drain on tax payers money. On this click Young people temporarily out of work are a temporary drain on taxpayers money.Its about creating new jobs, and letting businesses thrive so more money is generated. I volunteered for 10 months before I was offered the job but it was a job I really wanted. All credit to you hun, at least you’re being proactive by enrolling in college.Made redundant after 10 years in my job, 31, starting college in September, but cant get a part time gig for love nor money. Hc_location=ufiPatricia Sadio aHelen Faulkner I’m literally exactly the same as you but for one difference. Id=1589324593&hc_location=ufiLisa Nell a £18k pa 40hr pw f t contract isn’t bad for a careworker without qualifications.They do not want to do those jobs, want to sit at a desk in a suit and play on a PC. Good call, *eye roll* most but not all then they can get 2 jobs cant they now stop trying to support lazy people who stay on benefits because it gives more moneyThey are just using it as an excuse. Yeah it’s greedy free money if you’re poor but an essential bailout if you’re rich. On this click then the youth should be looking for all sorts of jobs not just certain ones that they want plenty of cleaning jobs going: Most cleaning jobs are part time. I still need more people to benefit from it, You can make $50,00 in 72hours without paying commission fee, Just your investment capital. Write the trustworthy manager Mr Steve on facebook Congratulations to everyone who benefited from the site i share yesterday. Buy this shirt:  America’s Next Captain shirt Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt We arrived at his office, and the Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Unfortunately, the Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this phone KEPT ringing, and after a few hangups, the caller finally left a message on the answering machine. In a fog, I could only make out a few words, but it sounded somewhat urgent. I crawled out of bed, got dressed, and played back the message. Turns out it was my landlord calling. He had a police officer with him who really wanted to speak with me…Having no clue as to what he could want from me, I brushed my teeth, put on a hat, and went down to the front office to see what all the fuss was about. As I entered, I was met by the property manager and a very stern-faced detective. Yes, not just a uniformed officer, but an actual detective — who was clearly miffed that I didn’t answer the door for him earlier. Being my usual jovial self, I made some small talk, but that was quickly cut short by the detective who had some ‘very serious’ questions to ask me.Seems another resident (or guest thereof) thought it would be fun to “turf” the apartment complex’s lawn the night before by doing a few donuts therein. *GASP* Oh the humanity! An innocent man, I asked what on Earth that had to do with me.Remember the party I was at the night before? And how the roommate was mowing the lawn? Well, I apparently drove though some of the wet grass clippings he had shot into the street, and those got kicked up onto my car. The detective observed what he thought was irrefutable evidence of my malfeasance, and was confident I was the culprit. There were even threats of jail time and loss of license! I’ve got a younger half sister who is about as nasty as they come. She can be very sweet too. But she cannot get through a single day without creating trouble and drama within the family. It’s like,if things are too peaceful or we might be having a good time, she gets uncomfortable and has to create something to raise hell about. I was using her carport for a couple days to assemble a cabinet as I didn’t have the room at my own small apartment. She charged me $50. One afternoon she comes home in a terrible mood and complains I have been using the carport too long and just goes on with a tangent,cussing and carrying on like a sailor. I finally lost my temper with her ugly display and told her off. I told her I would be gone in 2 hours and Buy this shirt:  Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt May the forest national park service be with you shirt The police in my town are completely out of control. I was falsely accused of assaulting a police officer and not only thrown around like a rag doll but also humiliated. They then targeted me because I told them I have PTSD. I was bullied and again humiliated by being arrested at my child’s school. I may not be black, but I do understand the May the forest national park service be with you shirt and I will buy this feeling of being unsafe around cops. I don’t feel safe in the same town as these cops. I can’t even enjoy my yard or go for a walk. I scurry to my car if I absolutely have to leave the house, usually for appointments. I can’t go outside by myself at all. I wish I could move, but I cannot afford it since I haven’t been able to work because of this, too. These two incidents have changed my life and not for the better.I don’t know if it could be considered an encounter or not, But it certainly was a surprise to my Girlfriend/FianceĆ©’s father. There company has a yearly week long vacation for all their employees and in 2018, it just happened to coincide with our spring break and they asked if we would house/farm sit for them. All we had to do was basically stay there and go down and feed the horses in the Equestrian center twice a day, according to the charts on their stalls. No big deal, about 3 hours of work total each day. We skipped classes before Spring break to go to Ultra 2018 in Miami and her parents were driving down to Galveston to catch their cruise on Early Monday morning.We enjoyed Miami, Ultra ended Sunday night and Monday, we flew here to spend 6 days watching the house and farm. We got here and the horses had a late morning feeding, which her dad knew would happen because of our flight, and the evening feeding went well. We were on a farm with a gated driveway between 5 and 6 miles long, the nearest neighbor was like 8 miles away and we decided to have a naked challenge, just to see how long we could go without a single stitch of clothing, except boots when we dealt with the horses. Buy this shirt:  May the forest national park service be with you shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Release the Snydercut shirt I had this customer let’s call her CR for crazy rude, CR is a gorgeous black woman. Anyway, she’s buying like, sketchbook, stickers, and fake jewels. I start ringing her up and CR is dressed in designer clothes, big gaudy sunglasses and nice jewelry, you get the Release the Snydercut shirt besides I will buy this picture. And she ignoring me when I ask her if she found everything ok, she didn’t want anything to do with the rewards program because she “doesn’t need any discount money ain’t an issue.” And starts YELLING at me because I told her the total. She said “I worked in retail and I worked at restaurants you aren’t supposed to tell them their total it’s rude! You should know better!” I looked at her I was dumbfounded and I tried to explain it was company policy she said “you don’t know what you’re talking about just keep your mouth shut ya little white girl.” I was like tf. I nodded at her and I could see the customers behind her look embarrassed for me so I spoke up a little louder and kind of rudely I’ll admit. I leaned over the counter and pointed at the little screen that shows her the total but is also facing EVERYONE BEHIND HER. “Just in case you didn’t hear me, your total is right there. Ma’am I’m gonna just point one thing out to you. This screen that’s right above your head is also facing everyone behind you. No need for attitude.” She handed me the trashiest, most dirty, coupled dollars I’d ever seen. It looked so bad I didn’t even want to put it in my register. She tried to walk off with her items and I grabbed the bag. “Ma’am, I don’t mean to embarrass you at all. But you’re five dollars short.”I laid on my horn. She turned around and laughed! I put down my window and yelled. She gave me the finger! Oh no, she didn’t! But help was on the way from the driver of the old Ford. I saw the driver, an older farmer type, look back at me and wave. He gunned his old Ford, blowing all that heavy exhaust into the dastardly line cutter’s open car! Her car was engulfed in a cloud of fumes! She was riding his bumper so she got the full dose. She gunned her convertible out of there to the cheers and applause of the cars behind me and those parked on the sides. Buy this shirt:  Release the Snydercut shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black I worked for a clothing store and I was at one of the Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black But I will love this registers (not working the register, but doing some computer price updates) and this woman comes up, moves the lane closed sign and starts unloading her cart. I politely told her the lane was closed that the girl standing at the register right behind me, with no customers in her line, would be glad to help her. “Don’t you know who I am?!” was her response. I knew exactly who she was, unfortunately, a local tv station person who thinks she’s Barbara Walters. She demanded management and started ranting and raving that she was going to do an entire expose on how horrid our customer service was and that she was going to sue all of us for treating her like a second class citizen because we’re jealous of who she is. The manager, who was already sick of this woman because she’d demand we close fitting rooms and wait on her hand and foot like we’re some high end department store in New York or something. She was also notorious for buying outfits, wearing them (we’d see them on her on tv) and then returning them, told her to go ahead and do her expose but that we’re a national company and we’d sue her for defamation of character.A few years ago I was on a line at a BaskinRobbins and there were 2 women in front of me ordering cones, both had ordered and one was waiting for her order the other already had hers. The one waiting wondered about the price to her friend, I said the prices were up one the board, the counter person agreed with me and opened his mouth to tell them the prices. By then the one who’s order was almost done had looked up at the board and said: oh that’s too expensive I don’t want it anymore. The counter guy said ok and did whatever they do with orders like that. And that’s all fine and good….. it was the other lady who was really rude she also decided that it was too expensive… and handed back her partly eaten cone…. Partly eaten… I mean WTF you don’t take a bite of your food and send it back because it’s too expensive, esp when the prices are clearly marked right above the selection… Buy this shirt:  Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt I became a cashier at a hardware store. We offered screws, nuts, bolts, etc. because of the The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt In addition,I will do this piece. There were pencils linked with the racks, with a good amount of indications informing visitors to write down the quantity and price of each item. Some guy came up into counter with a basket filled up with small bags of fasteners, none of them noted with quantities or rates. That implied I had to count all of them and look within the prices for them. It had been over $60 total, for items which are priced at 5–50 cents each. After a couple mins, the range was rapidly developing. We handed every little thing back again to him and informed him he had to cost all of them. Months later on, we wound up behind him when you look at the DMV range at AAA. It will require me less than 5 minutes for a vehicle signed up at AAA, that is exactly what this person had been doing. Nonetheless it performedn’t just take him a few momemts. He surely got to the counter and began yelling in the cashier there. There were a few cashiers, as well as the few people between him and myself, four or five people total, all completed their particular transactions, it had been my change, I completed my exchange about fifteen minutes after he got the the counter. When I walked out, he had been nonetheless offering the cashier difficulty. I do believe possibly he’s only typically a dick. Their cousin also shopped during the equipment store and I also ended up being a little stunned once I found out these were relevant because the bro had been completely opposing.I can’t stand the people that show up with about 30 scratchers and none of them.have the bar code area scratched off. Then they proceed to slowly pick which new ones they want as well as getting some lottery tickets and to top it off, decide to get some money orders and pay for their items in 2 different forms of payment. First come first serve but pleaaaase be considerate and have all your stuff ready to go. The point of a convenience store is that it’s CONVENIENT. The rudest ones are the duos who go to a grocery store and one will stand in a line while the other waits in another. Whichever gets to the conveyer belt to set their groceries down first will flag the other down. Buy this shirt:  The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt One day I run to the We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt also I will do this grocery store near my job to het something from their awesome salad bar for lunch. I get on line behind a lady who has a bunch of stuff but it looks like she’s almost finished. Shd begins arguing with the checker about the price of the canned beans. The checker has to call for assistance and wait for someone to come and go the the aisle to verify the price. This took awhile, but I waited. When it was determined that the beans she had were NOT actually the beans on sale, the checker asked if she still wanted them. Yes, she said she needed them. Then the order is finally rung up and bagged, and now she needs to write a check, but does not have a check card for the particular store we are in. Again we have to call for assistance, and they bring her an application to fill out. Now she looks at me (with the steam coming out of my ears) and says “sorry”. I said “Are you on your lunch hour?” She says “No”. I said, “Well I AM!”. was a cashier at a Dollar Tree store, and a customer loaded up the belt with items for me to check out, and then wandered off to grab some thing else… and then a few other things. I called after her that she needed to finish her shopping so I could finish the purchase, but she sort of brushed me off and kept going. ears ago in a grocery store I was in line behind an elderly woman who was paying with food stamps. She was about 80 and was having some difficulty getting out her food stamps….the woman behind me, a most impatient person, yells out, “Can you please hurry up!! I Don’t have all day! They shouldn’t allow people to pay with food stamps to be in the regular line!”…By the time she got back a few minutes later, I had a line of people built up behind her, and could not ring any of them up because her unfinished purchase was tying up my register. Some got fed up, and went to the line at the other register. Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt An energetic little twenty-something, jabbering loudly on her cellphone, ran ahead of me and cut me off in the You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt in contrast I will get this checkout line at Big Lots. I tuned her out until she pushed me aside to snatch a couple of items off the rack behind me and said, “Suck it in, Grandma!” I was so shocked by her total lack of manners that I was speechless. Then she laughed and said, “Just kidding!” and went back to her business. She bounced out of the store, still jabbering loudly on her cell phone. I was so angry I couldn’t see straight. I never wanted to beat the hell out of someone so badly in all my life. I remember someone in line paying the groceries with jars of coins, and it took forever so all other shopper jammed into the other lines. I mean there are Coinstar machine in the supermarket, why didn’t that person use it. Yeah, that was quite rude. And using the Coinstar machine wasn’t that hard at all. You simply dump your coins on to a “coin catcher” and press start and tilt the coins into a slot and the machine automatically counts the coins and the value. After all the coins have been counted you have the option of a cashier’s check which you can use it toward your grocery bill.Although there are problems in the food stores at the moment, I must say that everyone I’ve encountered has been brilliant. I went into Asda late this afternoon for eggs, toilet rolls, bread, and milk and instead came out with tins of broad beans, a cake, and some quorn burgers. That’s how it is at the moment – select from what is available. I felt like I needed some miniscule hope so bought a lottery ticket as well ? Everyone was queueing and polite, and humour was permeating through the gloom too.I was at a Walmart self check out around midnight. A small line formed and rude man started loudly complaining about “no back up, I have to wait…” etc. A manager came out quickly, opened a new lane and gestured to the complaining man who was NOT next line to come to her register. No one else followed. He checked out and continued to rudely complain as he walked out of the store. She then called me over and several more followed to her lane. I asked “ Get rid of the loud asshole “? She responded “ Management 101 “. We both smiled. Buy this shirt:  You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Fast forward to now, I’m on dating sites to find potential mates. I am finding that the Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt besides I will buy this pattern I described above (you do something they don’t like, and they change) is the same, and I’m able to cut them off early. They will start to distance themselves, be cold and short in their responses after taking time to be thoughtful before. They will ghost you or you will get the silent treatment (don’t give in when they do this). They will try to do the same thing to you that you did to them, only they will prolong the process. If you start to notice this pattern, (I’m not suggesting doing something they dislike on purpose, but when it happens, because it will, notice how they behave afterward), end it quickly. Set your boundaries and stick to them. the same currency would be required to purchase that wealth in an “anchor year”. The ratio of the amount of money needed to purchase the current amount of wealth today versus the amount of money needed to buy the same amount of wealth in the anchor year gives us the inflation rate. For example, if 110 million dollars pays for all the wealth sold this year and 100 million dollars pays for the same amount of wealth sold in the anchor year, which was 5 years ago, the inflation rate is 10% over 5 years or 2% per year average. The total “real” wealth sold would a hundred million dollars. The value of wealth sold measured in terms of what that currency would buy in the anchor year is 100 million. though the transfer of ownership of that form of wealth is a measure of spending and income, not wealth.).By the way, on the wealth axis, increasing the money supply can reduce other money’s buying power.And the Government was more than capable of making this all a legal requirement, long before now. We also have to understand the legal requirements you can’t just tell people they must stay indoors without backing from the law, you are simplyfying. Personally having being furloughed is the best thing for me I loved staying safe at home with loved ones hearing birds singing.Remember that Zac Effron show said it was one of the cleanest rivers in the world. The stuff that is intact, also are at risk of shedding microplastics plastic does biodegrade. Either way the material they are made of didn’t decompose it’s just in smaller pieces. Buy this shirt:  Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt Trouble is noone listened and still dont i dont think anyone really believed it even myself. What exactly do you think is happening now to allow people a more normal life. Also the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this clear bias and very poor interview questioning skills that the media seem to possess.Herd immunity was a huge mistake, especially as the virus only had a 3 month natural immunity. People who might be sceptical as to what is going on could watch this video. We’re fighting back now, I hope you sober up and do what it’s necessary to do the same. Buy this shirt:  Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt T-Shirt AT Fashion LLC ================================== Official Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt We were married for 11yrs, together for 16yrs. I was blind sided. I was a homemaker. due to our financial stability with what he made, which we agreed whoever made more worked, believing in one parent stay home/other worked when raising children. I put my all into being a homemaker. I did his extra errands, kept the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this house pristine, kept our children happy and safe. Put him and the children first and above me, which I felt right in doing so. The first years were great. He treated me as any guy would that was in love with his wife. The last few years of our relationship, something seemed off, and when I would ask he would say I was crazy. I had dreams that he was cheating and I would tell him and he would laugh it off. He wasn’t near as loving as before. Before we wouldn’t go anywhere without each other and now he would leave on work trips telling me we couldn’t afford it for us to go too, which was total bullshit. And, yes, before, and during this time we were very physically active with intimacy. Long story short, he comes home one day and says that he wanted to separate just to get his head clear. I didn’t understand, and as numb as I was and shocked, I loved him so I believed in him and accepted it hoping he would do just as he said. A month tops is what he said. What shocked me the most wasn’t the divorce papers sent after, or the emotional emptiness I felt, it was when reading the paperwork questionnaire, he admitted to multiple affairs he had started having towards the end of the relationship, the detailing of each affair, and how after so long of being with him, how cold he turned on me.He left me for a 19yr old at the time they started hooking up, still together. Not that age matters, in truth, just brought on more insecurities with me after having children, family life, etc. My problem, nothing more. Another issue that shocked me was that we were best friends before all of this, and I had to fight him over everything with it came to finances. I did get a full time job, and did what I could, but it was like his human decency or the fact that I was the mother of his children had no meaning. He flattered himself, she had a drunk mistake and she didn’t actually find him that cute or was interested. He always was into curvy blondes and I was a slim brunette so I guess he thought he found his upgrade. Tbh idk if she even knew he had a gf and they met at a party when I was in NY. I put things together and found out. Apparently they still texted some after and I read them but it was obvious it was him trying to reach out and start a conversation and her barely responding with small talk. They hung out a couple times to smoke and her get free weed, but wouldn’t get sexual with him then take off. I found all this out months after and broke up, but nothing happened with them after. She basically acted like it never happened from what I heard and when I checked her Facebook a year or so back curious, she has moved far away for some new job. They never dated or anything after we ended. He’s still single years later and tried going after a lot of the cute blondes in our town. Many weren’t interested and turned him down, and later when they realized he was my ex and we made friends, tell me the awkward date they had with him before ghosting or him constantly trying to get in their dms and ignoring/blocking him. I guess the grass isn’t always greener. He’s getting close to 30 now, we broke up 4 or so years ago, but he moved away so maybe he’ll finally get his dream girl but if he does I feel bad for her. He tried reaching out some to me and said he was sorry for how toxic he was, but the I can tell he still is. And more importantly I actually have a good bf now whose kind, more handsome, we live together, and he treats me way better so I don’t see him trying to make amends with me anytime soon lol. I’ve had it a couple times when a guy has gone on the treadmill next to me while I’m running.. tried to talk to me when I have ear phones in. I slow down and take my earphones out and he’s proceeded to chat me up. Like that’s really not the time is it? I’m there sweating like crazy out of breath!For doing so, I was ordered to strip. So tearfully I slowly lowered my pants. As mother went to foyer closet and took the large black belt out to spank me with. When she came back to the sofa, there I was standing in tee shirt and tighty whites. Looking at me with a staire that chilled me to the bones. She tore the teeshirt off over my head telling me through gritted teeth that she said strip damit . So I also lowered my underwear to my feet.” Bend over the arm…NOW!” obediently I leaned over trying to prepare for what I knew was going to be one he’ll of an ass whipping. With tears flowing freely from my eyrs, whack after cracking wack, burned down my ass and upper legs. AS I whimpered and begged her to please stop. I looked up at the group of boys who were laughing and high-fiving each other. The boy who had kicked the ball was being praised and clapped on the back by his friends. He stuck out his tongue at me before resuming his game.This happened once, but with my SIL. My hubs and I were stationed in Germany, and we came to the states for a visit when our son was about 16 months old. I was about 7 months pregnant at the time. SIL wanted to take him to the store with her kids. I said no. She didn’t have a car seat, and I don’t know her (but I’ve heard PLENTY about her). About 20 minutes later, I can’t find him. I ask my hubs, who went to check, and sure enough, she was putting him in her van. She just assumed she could take him anyway, and that I would keep quiet to keep the piece. Umm…no. Hubs was pissed too. He grabbed our son and brought him to me. I was so freaking livid.She would always try to undermine me with my own kids. She was raising my stepson when she called and said we had to take him. We did, but always tried to act like she was his mom and in charge when we would visit. I ALWAYS put my foot down. My mom was a disciplinarian, and so am I. She rejected him because she raised him to be bad…really and truly…through neglect and abuse. And it took years to undo SOME of that. The rest we couldn’t do anything about.Eventually he became the first and last person I thought of each day. Around 6 months of platonic friendship he called and asked if I could run him to the store, his car had broke down. I picked him up and as I pulled out of the driveway he leans over and kisses me. I can still remember the kiss, sweet like candy. And dangerous. I knew I had to stop whatever was happening, it was going to end badly.I tried to stop it before it went any futher after that day. Tried asking my husband to not have him come around as much. But with it being his friend unless I told him why it would never happen. But I also knew if I told him What I was feeling or that he and I had gotten too close my husband would hurt him.He and I would pass a thumb drive back and forth, mostly to share music with one another. But sometimes there would be a note to the other person. On the day it blew up my husband found the drive in my jeans while I was in the shower. He looked on it and a note from him to me was saved with the original text that I had sent to him first. I was telling him it needed to stop, that it was going to far and I couldn’t continue carrying on like we had been because I was starting to fall for him.Of course husband was livid and after we’ll call it discussing the affair“. He would not relent, demanding I tell him the truth, what would agree with what he assumed was the truth at least – he accused me of infeldelity and left the house. He did get in to it with his ex-friend. And I wish it had a better ending or a I had better sense to never let it go to the point I allowed it to.Well they basically called us a week after claiming we owed them $5000 for damages when we kept the house relatively clean and undamaged (just normal wear and tear, which they were aware of as they were there every month during our tenancy) and told us to get a lawyer!So lesson here is take pictures and lots of them. Know your rights. The guy seemed upstanding at first but people aren’t what they seem.My boyfriend’s mom (let’s call her Karen lol) asked my bf how many people I’ve been with. Bf answers honestly (looking back I don’t know why he felt the need to divulge such personal information about me but whatever). Then she says, “well I wouldn’t tell you if I slept with the entire football team either”. If it’s safe and consensual, then personally I don’t see a problem with someone sleeping with the whole football team lol. More power to ‘em and no one’s business but theirs!I was at a buddies place one afternoon drinking too much beer. His dog was a bit restless and it was apparent that she needed relief. Neither of us were willing to cooperate and there was a big yard for the dog to use. Sitting on the deck watching her do the circle thing that dogs do, she suddenly pushed away a board in the fence and stepped through to the neighbor’s yard. When on the other side, she replaced the fence board so you would have no idea that she had escaped. Jeff said that she did this often and he would sometimes block her re-entry so she would come to the front door and scratch/bark.I occasionally think that some people use Quora as an easy alternative to doing their own research. Most of the “How do you use X in a sentence” questions can simply be solved by looking in a dictionary, especially if the word is a noun. Doing your own research is the best way to learn, rather than just copying out someone else’s answer.Another time that makes a close tie to the first is when Karen told me that if I were a good daughter I would have taken a time off college to take care of my mom when she had cancer. Little did she know that I actually wanted to do that for my mom, but both my parents wouldn’t hear of it. My university was a two hour drive from home so I’d just go home every weekend. I struggled a lot about feeling like I didn’t do enough for my mom, and Karen’s comment really cut deep and reaffirmed my existing guilt. I think Quora is great for helping with difficult questions: in language problems it is an excellent way of learning idioms and detailed phrasing such as prepositions (get into, get on, get off, get over, get through etc). Buy this shirt: What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt We arrived at his office, and the What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles shirt it is in the first place but door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt Just takes time to run the Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories shirt In addition,I will do this experiments, and there are only so many immunologists out there. Yes we’ve shown that antibody titres decrease over time, but it could be that immunity is maintained by a robust t cell response. I totally agree that we shouldn’t be pursuing herd immunity to a coronavirus there’s just not enough evidence that immune responses persist, however it hasn’t been proven for this one.If it was it’s not gone down well Peter Bradley I’ll remind my friend of that who died in April and another I know who spent a month in intensive care. Magnify that by at least 10 and still counting the after effects, deaths and chronically sick. Pity it takes some people to realise how bad it is when it affects your own relatives then shock, horror, the wake up call kicks in then it’s too late.Hc_location=ufiPer Qvindesland a oh thank god we have the genius scientific mind of yourself to tell us that. Really pls tell me why the hospitals wernt over flowing like some places in europe. Sue Zooki a the future and the answers were clearly available in Asia and southern Europe in February but the PM was not interested.You are very easily pleased as someone experiencing the worst morbidity rate in Europe and still in the Top 10 infected countries in the world. I’m not knocking the NZ prime minister, I think the world needs more leaders such as she. I understand population density, however at this point in the pandemic I don’t trust the statistics. Given attendees are also generally young, there would also more likely be an effect on those they pass it onto than in themselves. We don’t know that, given that mass tracking and testing is not in place. The participants in the mass protests, beach gatherings and illegal raves of recent weeks were all still going down that herd immunity route, presumably.We could literally see the effects playing out in other countries, and this shambolic government chose to do nothing. And the current cases are mainly from migrants arriving legally or illegally from abroad. Of course there are businesses that have had to close or are experiencing financial difficulties, but otherwise, for the moment, we’re having fewer daily cases than Germany.Italy experienced its’ peak well before the UK, and Italy is once again limiting businesses. Funny that or was it the second wave Chris Miller: On that day, Italy was shutting all non essential shops and the Republic of Ireland announced that schools would close. Hc_location=ufiTyler Brown a. Buy this shirt:  Alex Smith Washington Redskins thanks for the memories t-shirt All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt How very convenient for any government making policies most others thought wrong. Hc_location=ufiAndrew Hislop a. Anyone passing judgement now are more concerned about point scoring against a gov they probably didn’t vote for.Will be a good 5 years before anyone can say how any country handled this outbreak. By the All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt moreover I love this way, Germany, which fortunately never entertained any herd immunity illusions, has 109. Just look at the care homes they have performed better than the rest of europe if things were as bad as they were making out the figures for the care homes would be different.Maybe telling people the truth and actually doing something about it is a better option after all. Much like trump said to the USA, and now they have such low infection rates. Wouldn’t it be so much better if we were told how good everything is, that the virus would be gone so quickly, and that it’s not too bad anyway. Any rushed long term safety skipped RNA vaccine is likely more dangerous than this virus. Buy this shirt:  All I need today is a little bit of Baylor and a Whole lot of Jesus t-shirt America’s Next Captain shirt Teddy BC why are you getting offended it’s literally the America’s Next Captain shirt moreover I will buy this name of your generation, it wasn’t used to offenda class= data hovercard= ajax hovercard user. Hc_location=ufiGeorge Thompson a. The government should cover the transition costs which will all know would never happen.. I’ve seen plenty of older people not wearing masks and completely ignoring directional and safe distance instructions in shops. Ignorant people believing everyone the media tells them is to blame for them not being rich and having to work 40 hours a week and still struggling to pay rent etc.Let’s be honest if you or anyone else knew how to avoid tax and could do it without any consequences you’d do it. Hc_location=ufiSarah Jane Nelson a. The rest goes to the state to operate various public services and pay for the service sector.It’s less expensive in the long term to keep the retirement age at a sustainable level. People drawing pensions are a constant and ever increasing drain on tax payers money. On this click Young people temporarily out of work are a temporary drain on taxpayers money.Its about creating new jobs, and letting businesses thrive so more money is generated. I volunteered for 10 months before I was offered the job but it was a job I really wanted. All credit to you hun, at least you’re being proactive by enrolling in college.Made redundant after 10 years in my job, 31, starting college in September, but cant get a part time gig for love nor money. Hc_location=ufiPatricia Sadio aHelen Faulkner I’m literally exactly the same as you but for one difference. Id=1589324593&hc_location=ufiLisa Nell a £18k pa 40hr pw f t contract isn’t bad for a careworker without qualifications.They do not want to do those jobs, want to sit at a desk in a suit and play on a PC. Good call, *eye roll* most but not all then they can get 2 jobs cant they now stop trying to support lazy people who stay on benefits because it gives more moneyThey are just using it as an excuse. Yeah it’s greedy free money if you’re poor but an essential bailout if you’re rich. On this click then the youth should be looking for all sorts of jobs not just certain ones that they want plenty of cleaning jobs going: Most cleaning jobs are part time. I still need more people to benefit from it, You can make $50,00 in 72hours without paying commission fee, Just your investment capital. Write the trustworthy manager Mr Steve on facebook Congratulations to everyone who benefited from the site i share yesterday. Buy this shirt:  America’s Next Captain shirt Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt We arrived at his office, and the Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  Boyz N The Hood 30th anniversary 1991-2021 thank you for the memories shirt Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Unfortunately, the Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this phone KEPT ringing, and after a few hangups, the caller finally left a message on the answering machine. In a fog, I could only make out a few words, but it sounded somewhat urgent. I crawled out of bed, got dressed, and played back the message. Turns out it was my landlord calling. He had a police officer with him who really wanted to speak with me…Having no clue as to what he could want from me, I brushed my teeth, put on a hat, and went down to the front office to see what all the fuss was about. As I entered, I was met by the property manager and a very stern-faced detective. Yes, not just a uniformed officer, but an actual detective — who was clearly miffed that I didn’t answer the door for him earlier. Being my usual jovial self, I made some small talk, but that was quickly cut short by the detective who had some ‘very serious’ questions to ask me.Seems another resident (or guest thereof) thought it would be fun to “turf” the apartment complex’s lawn the night before by doing a few donuts therein. *GASP* Oh the humanity! An innocent man, I asked what on Earth that had to do with me.Remember the party I was at the night before? And how the roommate was mowing the lawn? Well, I apparently drove though some of the wet grass clippings he had shot into the street, and those got kicked up onto my car. The detective observed what he thought was irrefutable evidence of my malfeasance, and was confident I was the culprit. There were even threats of jail time and loss of license! I’ve got a younger half sister who is about as nasty as they come. She can be very sweet too. But she cannot get through a single day without creating trouble and drama within the family. It’s like,if things are too peaceful or we might be having a good time, she gets uncomfortable and has to create something to raise hell about. I was using her carport for a couple days to assemble a cabinet as I didn’t have the room at my own small apartment. She charged me $50. One afternoon she comes home in a terrible mood and complains I have been using the carport too long and just goes on with a tangent,cussing and carrying on like a sailor. I finally lost my temper with her ugly display and told her off. I told her I would be gone in 2 hours and Buy this shirt:  Daniel Ricciardo Poster 2021 shirt Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt I worked at was the Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Also,I will get this victim of the “bully”. And it was another woman, so it was doubly hard to deal with. She wore 4 inch heels, matchy clothes, not a hair out of place. This was every day, including casual day. In fact her idea of casual day was leggings with color-matched sneakers. I’m an INTJ, I don’t think you can bully us, because we just don’t operate on that low a wavelength. But that didn’t stop her from trying. Constantly. From pointing out what I should be doing, or not doing, to pointing out that I should go buy a pair of pumps that matched the dress I was wearing. I found it irritating, but after I’d been there awhile I discovered she did that to every woman in the place. She had to be top dog, and if she wasn’t she would beat the other employee down so badly they didn’t want to work there.We all got together, and from that moment forward, we did not respond to her. Unless it was about work and only work, she got no response from us. Nothing verbal, no raised eyebrows, nothing. She even complained to my boss that I was unresponsive to her complaints. But when I told him her complaints were about my hair and shoes, he just shook his head and went to HER boss for an explanation.Kevin is the gentlest man I’ve ever known, and we go back nearly four decades. He’s tall, well-built, and strong, yet he talks with a soft voice and always speaks kindly.Kevin worked in a small, cramped Capitol Hill office with a Class A bully. This guy continually said nasty things to his colleagues. He was especially abusive to the women and, because of his kind demeanor, Kevin was also one of the favorite targets. A bully loves attacking anyone s/he perceives to be weak.One day, Kevin had enough. During a verbal attack, Kevin jumped up, grabbed this guy by the lapels, and pulled him from his desk chair. He then pushed the guy against a wall and put his face very close. Kevin told the guy that he could shut up, immediately, or that Kevin would shut his mouth for him. Kevin went on to explain that there’d be no more office abuse; if the behavior happened again, the consequences would be much more severe.The guy turned bright red, then ghostly white. He had nothing to say. He sat down and spent the rest of the day looking terrified and shaking uncontrollably. Buy this shirt:  Heartland 14th anniversary 14 seasons 2007-2021 14 seasons t-shirt Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Once I worked with a woman who was very dishonest. She was my supervisor at the Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt besides I will buy this time. And other staff and I had just started within two weeks. This woman hit another employees car… Which was basically a hit-and-run. I told her she needed to tell the other employee about it… Instead she went on to lie about things. Then she started bullying me a couple months into things and I wasn’t gonna put up with that or tolerate that, So I had lots of ammunition about her lying and so I had somebody else Who could verify my story about the vehicle. When this woman started lying about me I had Enough crap from her and I went straight to human resources. Human resources asked me why I didn’t come forward about this earlier… My response was would you have believe me? I had only been there two weeks when this happened. This employee was such a good manipulator and con artist… But she had everybody fooled. When human resources spoke to her she finally admitted to doing it but she would not offer to pay the other employees damages or anything. She was a total turd. She got fired and rightly so. I have never regretted for a moment turning her sorry butt in. People like that are a disgrace to the company and like a poison to other employees Gary (the owner) went into the warehouse one day and found Kavin standing in the general area where the bully was writhing on the floor in pain. When asked what happened, Kavin said “He fell”. When Gary asked the bully what happened, he looked up at Kavin and said “I fell”. Gary never got the true details, but there was no more bullying done by the bully. The moral of the story is: Don’t underestimate little guys who have fought in a war using guerrilla tactics.Well, she tried verbally abusing me at that point. However, since I had always held my temper previously, she had no idea how strong and loud my voice can get. I screamed back at her, and actually she immediately shut up. I told her off and then left the store with half the customers leaving too and applauding me. Buy this shirt:  Joe Montana San Francisco 49ers 1979-1992 thanks for the memories t-shirt Left skid low shirt There are two. They are two of the Left skid low shirt so you should to go to store and get this worst days of my life. I am 5 ft tall and at the time was about 135lbs. I’m a white female in her early forties. I live in a fairly small city. There are about 30,000 people here. I’m told that smaller cities get the cops the larger forces didn’t want. They come in with a chip on their shoulder because of it. I don’t know if that’s true, but I do know the police in my town are awful. I don’t claim to know everything a black person goes through with the police, but because of these experiences, I can empathize more with them.It all started many years ago. My son had PTSD as a child due to abuse by his biological father. He would rage and act out regularly. At one point in working with multiple therapists, I was told to contact the police when he would be in a rage and become violent. I did this several times. This put us on the police’s radar.I look back and wish I hadn’t answered the door, but I did. I stood on the hearth holding the glass storm door with one hand. I explained what was going on to the two police (one male, one female). They stated I couldn’t kick my son out. However, this is not something they could arrest me for. They could turn me into DHS (Department of Human Services) but that was it. I told them I was done talking to them about it and took a step back into my house. The female cop grabbed my free arm, spun me around and handcuffed me. I will admit I freaked out. I yelled for them to get off of me. The male cop then grabbed my left arm. The female cop had hold of my right arm. They counted to three in unison, picked me up by my arms and threw me headfirst onto my stuccoed porch. I asked what I was being arrested for, what are the charges. The female cop stated, “Ummm, how about for assaulting an officer.” I stated I never touched either of them and it was they who assaulted me. Buy this shirt:  Left skid low shirt May the forest national park service be with you shirt The police in my town are completely out of control. I was falsely accused of assaulting a police officer and not only thrown around like a rag doll but also humiliated. They then targeted me because I told them I have PTSD. I was bullied and again humiliated by being arrested at my child’s school. I may not be black, but I do understand the May the forest national park service be with you shirt and I will buy this feeling of being unsafe around cops. I don’t feel safe in the same town as these cops. I can’t even enjoy my yard or go for a walk. I scurry to my car if I absolutely have to leave the house, usually for appointments. I can’t go outside by myself at all. I wish I could move, but I cannot afford it since I haven’t been able to work because of this, too. These two incidents have changed my life and not for the better.I don’t know if it could be considered an encounter or not, But it certainly was a surprise to my Girlfriend/FianceĆ©’s father. There company has a yearly week long vacation for all their employees and in 2018, it just happened to coincide with our spring break and they asked if we would house/farm sit for them. All we had to do was basically stay there and go down and feed the horses in the Equestrian center twice a day, according to the charts on their stalls. No big deal, about 3 hours of work total each day. We skipped classes before Spring break to go to Ultra 2018 in Miami and her parents were driving down to Galveston to catch their cruise on Early Monday morning.We enjoyed Miami, Ultra ended Sunday night and Monday, we flew here to spend 6 days watching the house and farm. We got here and the horses had a late morning feeding, which her dad knew would happen because of our flight, and the evening feeding went well. We were on a farm with a gated driveway between 5 and 6 miles long, the nearest neighbor was like 8 miles away and we decided to have a naked challenge, just to see how long we could go without a single stitch of clothing, except boots when we dealt with the horses. Buy this shirt:  May the forest national park service be with you shirt National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Name of the National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 shirt Apart from…,I will love this store is Cardenas, if you are a so cal resident, you know what I am talking about. The clientele is mainly Latino population. My wife, although she dosn’t look like one, is one of them with family from Mexico. So, we are at the line, second after the person whose items are being scanned and for some reason, the line is not moving. I put the bag of fresh totilla bread, right out of the machine, on the conveyor belt and waiting. This woman, with his boyfriend/husband/whatever comes behind us. She is barely 4′10, wearing 5 inch heels over 3 inch platform shoes, a skin tight leopard print leggings, a scoopneck shirt which hugs her fake boobs so tight, she screams “look at me”. In addition to this, she has no eyebrows for some reason, instead, she has something that looks like a kid draw with a chisel-tip marker, as eyebrow looks. It looks awful. My wife is standing behind me, facing the cashier and don’t see this but I do. I must have looked a second longer than I was supposed to I believe. C’mon you don’t see this every day. Curiosity got the best of me. But I did not say anything. My wife, unaware of who is standing behind her, whispers something about what we should use as a payment at the checkout, of course in very low voice to prevent others from knowing our finances. his B***H with the full meaning of the word got off on my wife about her looks and how in the world dare she can say anything about it. And she is going on and on. I shook my head turned around to pay the cashier and my wife of course turned around and saw I I saw few seconds ago. And said something which did not sound anything pleasant in Spanish with one word I could recognize “cabrona” to this woman (she has that chola look if you can catch my drift) and we paid for our tortillas and walked out. The guy next to her was so embarrassed, he tilted his head down, like saying “I have nothing to do with this”This happened to me and my wife a couple of months ago at a local grocery store chekcout line. Mind you this is a quasi local chain only found souther california and in the areas where a lot of latino residents live. Buy this shirt:  National Crown Royal day Jan 1 Dec 31 t-shirt Release the Snydercut shirt I had this customer let’s call her CR for crazy rude, CR is a gorgeous black woman. Anyway, she’s buying like, sketchbook, stickers, and fake jewels. I start ringing her up and CR is dressed in designer clothes, big gaudy sunglasses and nice jewelry, you get the Release the Snydercut shirt besides I will buy this picture. And she ignoring me when I ask her if she found everything ok, she didn’t want anything to do with the rewards program because she “doesn’t need any discount money ain’t an issue.” And starts YELLING at me because I told her the total. She said “I worked in retail and I worked at restaurants you aren’t supposed to tell them their total it’s rude! You should know better!” I looked at her I was dumbfounded and I tried to explain it was company policy she said “you don’t know what you’re talking about just keep your mouth shut ya little white girl.” I was like tf. I nodded at her and I could see the customers behind her look embarrassed for me so I spoke up a little louder and kind of rudely I’ll admit. I leaned over the counter and pointed at the little screen that shows her the total but is also facing EVERYONE BEHIND HER. “Just in case you didn’t hear me, your total is right there. Ma’am I’m gonna just point one thing out to you. This screen that’s right above your head is also facing everyone behind you. No need for attitude.” She handed me the trashiest, most dirty, coupled dollars I’d ever seen. It looked so bad I didn’t even want to put it in my register. She tried to walk off with her items and I grabbed the bag. “Ma’am, I don’t mean to embarrass you at all. But you’re five dollars short.”I laid on my horn. She turned around and laughed! I put down my window and yelled. She gave me the finger! Oh no, she didn’t! But help was on the way from the driver of the old Ford. I saw the driver, an older farmer type, look back at me and wave. He gunned his old Ford, blowing all that heavy exhaust into the dastardly line cutter’s open car! Her car was engulfed in a cloud of fumes! She was riding his bumper so she got the full dose. She gunned her convertible out of there to the cheers and applause of the cars behind me and those parked on the sides. Buy this shirt:  Release the Snydercut shirt Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt My girlfriend and I were standing in line at the Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Additionally,I will love this Fry’s grocery store in Phoenix,waiting our turn to check out. I decided I did not really want the coffee creamer I had put in the cart after all. I told the cashier I would run it back to the dairy cooler and be right back before she began scanning out groceries. As I grabbed the creamer and turned to run it back to the cooler,my girlfriend pipes up and tells the cashier that I should not have to return it and makes a scene. She can be loud and high pitched. Her; “He shouldn’t have to return it himself. Get a bagger to do it”. I told her it is no problem and I would be right back. She gets even louder; “ No that’s not his job!! Call someone up here now!!”. Me;” honestly hon,it’ll take just a few seconds”. As I turned to walk away she was still making a scene. I could hear her all the way to the dairy cooler. I was embarrassed but I made it back before the cashier finished scanning our groceries. The cashier looked at me with sympathy and said “Thank You” at least 4 times before we got out of there. She was grateful I defied my girlfriend and that it finally ended the ugly scene my girlfriend was making. We did not talk all the way home. At this point,I realized I needed to get away from this woman because this was far from the first time she had embarrassed me in public. She,one time told off a group of bikers at a casino bar in Las Vegas because they were smoking in a proper smoking area. They had the right. I just hustled her drunk ass out of there before she really caused problems. One biker looked at me and said “Glad she’s not my old lady” and spared me anymore punishment. That was the last straw. I broke it off in a couple days after 5 years around her but by this time,I had also learned she had been cheating on me the whole time to top it off. Just a bad deal all the way around and a waste of the 5 years of my life I had invested in her. Buy this shirt:  Senior sunflower class of 2021 shirt Spoiled wife shirt Once I was shopping with my dad at Shoprite (If you don’t know Shoprite, it’s basically a shopmart like Target, Checkers, Walmart etc.). We had gotten some things and stood in line behind a middle-aged man, who was standing behind another customer.Once the Spoiled wife shirt What’s more,I will buy this lady in the front of line got her things billed, and had paid for them, the man in front of us walked to the checkout counter where the nice lady behind the counter greeted him politely with “Good afternoon”. He didn’t reply to her, and grumbled something none of us could hear.After the lady was finished billing his things, she asked if he’d like a plastic bag to carry his things, which would cost an extra 2 kwacha (kwacha is the currency in my country, Zambia, 2 kwacha is 11 cents). Just then he started screaming at the nice lady, saying that he spent over 500 kwacha (26.86 dollars as of today) and that he should get a free plastic bag, but the lady refused and calmly told him he’d have to pay. My dad said in a calm, yet strict, tone that these were the rules of the place. Surprisingly, the man CALMLY told my dad to not intervene and he demanded to speak to the manager. The manager came and settled things with him; in the end he ended up paying for two plastic bags with a sour face.Afterwards, the nice checkout lady at the counter was sanitizing the counter, when the man once more yelled at her saying that he was actually allergic to the spray! Mind you, he turned around HALFWAY while exiting the store to yell at her about the spray. The poor counter lady was about to burst into tears, when somebody yelled at the jerk to get out. Soon everybody chimed in, and he left in a hurry.Everyone in the line felt horrible for this woman who was in tears by the time her transaction was done. This guy was a big, angry guy, so I admit, nobody wanted to take him on. I wanted to say something so badly, but I didn’t. We all should have just told this guy to STFU.I can’t believe there are such rude people these days. Guys, please don’t be rude to people in the service industry. They work hard for you, and they are humans, too. Buy this shirt:  Spoiled wife shirt Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black I worked for a clothing store and I was at one of the Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black But I will love this registers (not working the register, but doing some computer price updates) and this woman comes up, moves the lane closed sign and starts unloading her cart. I politely told her the lane was closed that the girl standing at the register right behind me, with no customers in her line, would be glad to help her. “Don’t you know who I am?!” was her response. I knew exactly who she was, unfortunately, a local tv station person who thinks she’s Barbara Walters. She demanded management and started ranting and raving that she was going to do an entire expose on how horrid our customer service was and that she was going to sue all of us for treating her like a second class citizen because we’re jealous of who she is. The manager, who was already sick of this woman because she’d demand we close fitting rooms and wait on her hand and foot like we’re some high end department store in New York or something. She was also notorious for buying outfits, wearing them (we’d see them on her on tv) and then returning them, told her to go ahead and do her expose but that we’re a national company and we’d sue her for defamation of character.A few years ago I was on a line at a BaskinRobbins and there were 2 women in front of me ordering cones, both had ordered and one was waiting for her order the other already had hers. The one waiting wondered about the price to her friend, I said the prices were up one the board, the counter person agreed with me and opened his mouth to tell them the prices. By then the one who’s order was almost done had looked up at the board and said: oh that’s too expensive I don’t want it anymore. The counter guy said ok and did whatever they do with orders like that. And that’s all fine and good….. it was the other lady who was really rude she also decided that it was too expensive… and handed back her partly eaten cone…. Partly eaten… I mean WTF you don’t take a bite of your food and send it back because it’s too expensive, esp when the prices are clearly marked right above the selection… Buy this shirt:  Emts 2021 The One Where They Became The Super Heroes Tshirts Black The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt I became a cashier at a hardware store. We offered screws, nuts, bolts, etc. because of the The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt In addition,I will do this piece. There were pencils linked with the racks, with a good amount of indications informing visitors to write down the quantity and price of each item. Some guy came up into counter with a basket filled up with small bags of fasteners, none of them noted with quantities or rates. That implied I had to count all of them and look within the prices for them. It had been over $60 total, for items which are priced at 5–50 cents each. After a couple mins, the range was rapidly developing. We handed every little thing back again to him and informed him he had to cost all of them. Months later on, we wound up behind him when you look at the DMV range at AAA. It will require me less than 5 minutes for a vehicle signed up at AAA, that is exactly what this person had been doing. Nonetheless it performedn’t just take him a few momemts. He surely got to the counter and began yelling in the cashier there. There were a few cashiers, as well as the few people between him and myself, four or five people total, all completed their particular transactions, it had been my change, I completed my exchange about fifteen minutes after he got the the counter. When I walked out, he had been nonetheless offering the cashier difficulty. I do believe possibly he’s only typically a dick. Their cousin also shopped during the equipment store and I also ended up being a little stunned once I found out these were relevant because the bro had been completely opposing.I can’t stand the people that show up with about 30 scratchers and none of them.have the bar code area scratched off. Then they proceed to slowly pick which new ones they want as well as getting some lottery tickets and to top it off, decide to get some money orders and pay for their items in 2 different forms of payment. First come first serve but pleaaaase be considerate and have all your stuff ready to go. The point of a convenience store is that it’s CONVENIENT. The rudest ones are the duos who go to a grocery store and one will stand in a line while the other waits in another. Whichever gets to the conveyer belt to set their groceries down first will flag the other down. Buy this shirt:  The Falcon and the winter soldier shirt We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt One day I run to the We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt also I will do this grocery store near my job to het something from their awesome salad bar for lunch. I get on line behind a lady who has a bunch of stuff but it looks like she’s almost finished. Shd begins arguing with the checker about the price of the canned beans. The checker has to call for assistance and wait for someone to come and go the the aisle to verify the price. This took awhile, but I waited. When it was determined that the beans she had were NOT actually the beans on sale, the checker asked if she still wanted them. Yes, she said she needed them. Then the order is finally rung up and bagged, and now she needs to write a check, but does not have a check card for the particular store we are in. Again we have to call for assistance, and they bring her an application to fill out. Now she looks at me (with the steam coming out of my ears) and says “sorry”. I said “Are you on your lunch hour?” She says “No”. I said, “Well I AM!”. was a cashier at a Dollar Tree store, and a customer loaded up the belt with items for me to check out, and then wandered off to grab some thing else… and then a few other things. I called after her that she needed to finish her shopping so I could finish the purchase, but she sort of brushed me off and kept going. ears ago in a grocery store I was in line behind an elderly woman who was paying with food stamps. She was about 80 and was having some difficulty getting out her food stamps….the woman behind me, a most impatient person, yells out, “Can you please hurry up!! I Don’t have all day! They shouldn’t allow people to pay with food stamps to be in the regular line!”…By the time she got back a few minutes later, I had a line of people built up behind her, and could not ring any of them up because her unfinished purchase was tying up my register. Some got fed up, and went to the line at the other register. Buy this shirt:  We wear purple for Fibromyalgia peace love cure shirt You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt An energetic little twenty-something, jabbering loudly on her cellphone, ran ahead of me and cut me off in the You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt in contrast I will get this checkout line at Big Lots. I tuned her out until she pushed me aside to snatch a couple of items off the rack behind me and said, “Suck it in, Grandma!” I was so shocked by her total lack of manners that I was speechless. Then she laughed and said, “Just kidding!” and went back to her business. She bounced out of the store, still jabbering loudly on her cell phone. I was so angry I couldn’t see straight. I never wanted to beat the hell out of someone so badly in all my life. I remember someone in line paying the groceries with jars of coins, and it took forever so all other shopper jammed into the other lines. I mean there are Coinstar machine in the supermarket, why didn’t that person use it. Yeah, that was quite rude. And using the Coinstar machine wasn’t that hard at all. You simply dump your coins on to a “coin catcher” and press start and tilt the coins into a slot and the machine automatically counts the coins and the value. After all the coins have been counted you have the option of a cashier’s check which you can use it toward your grocery bill.Although there are problems in the food stores at the moment, I must say that everyone I’ve encountered has been brilliant. I went into Asda late this afternoon for eggs, toilet rolls, bread, and milk and instead came out with tins of broad beans, a cake, and some quorn burgers. That’s how it is at the moment – select from what is available. I felt like I needed some miniscule hope so bought a lottery ticket as well ? Everyone was queueing and polite, and humour was permeating through the gloom too.I was at a Walmart self check out around midnight. A small line formed and rude man started loudly complaining about “no back up, I have to wait…” etc. A manager came out quickly, opened a new lane and gestured to the complaining man who was NOT next line to come to her register. No one else followed. He checked out and continued to rudely complain as he walked out of the store. She then called me over and several more followed to her lane. I asked “ Get rid of the loud asshole “? She responded “ Management 101 “. We both smiled. Buy this shirt:  You can’t scare me I have a crazy bestie she has anger issues shirt Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Fast forward to now, I’m on dating sites to find potential mates. I am finding that the Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt besides I will buy this pattern I described above (you do something they don’t like, and they change) is the same, and I’m able to cut them off early. They will start to distance themselves, be cold and short in their responses after taking time to be thoughtful before. They will ghost you or you will get the silent treatment (don’t give in when they do this). They will try to do the same thing to you that you did to them, only they will prolong the process. If you start to notice this pattern, (I’m not suggesting doing something they dislike on purpose, but when it happens, because it will, notice how they behave afterward), end it quickly. Set your boundaries and stick to them. the same currency would be required to purchase that wealth in an “anchor year”. The ratio of the amount of money needed to purchase the current amount of wealth today versus the amount of money needed to buy the same amount of wealth in the anchor year gives us the inflation rate. For example, if 110 million dollars pays for all the wealth sold this year and 100 million dollars pays for the same amount of wealth sold in the anchor year, which was 5 years ago, the inflation rate is 10% over 5 years or 2% per year average. The total “real” wealth sold would a hundred million dollars. The value of wealth sold measured in terms of what that currency would buy in the anchor year is 100 million. though the transfer of ownership of that form of wealth is a measure of spending and income, not wealth.).By the way, on the wealth axis, increasing the money supply can reduce other money’s buying power.And the Government was more than capable of making this all a legal requirement, long before now. We also have to understand the legal requirements you can’t just tell people they must stay indoors without backing from the law, you are simplyfying. Personally having being furloughed is the best thing for me I loved staying safe at home with loved ones hearing birds singing.Remember that Zac Effron show said it was one of the cleanest rivers in the world. The stuff that is intact, also are at risk of shedding microplastics plastic does biodegrade. Either way the material they are made of didn’t decompose it’s just in smaller pieces. Buy this shirt:  Dress like Alexis love like David talk Moira believe like Johnny shirt Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt Trouble is noone listened and still dont i dont think anyone really believed it even myself. What exactly do you think is happening now to allow people a more normal life. Also the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this clear bias and very poor interview questioning skills that the media seem to possess.Herd immunity was a huge mistake, especially as the virus only had a 3 month natural immunity. People who might be sceptical as to what is going on could watch this video. We’re fighting back now, I hope you sober up and do what it’s necessary to do the same. Buy this shirt:  Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt T-Shirt AT Fashion LLC ================================== Official Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt We were married for 11yrs, together for 16yrs. I was blind sided. I was a homemaker. due to our financial stability with what he made, which we agreed whoever made more worked, believing in one parent stay home/other worked when raising children. I put my all into being a homemaker. I did his extra errands, kept the Trust me as you get to know me I just get weirder shirt but in fact I love this house pristine, kept our children happy and safe. Put him and the children first and above me, which I felt right in doing so. The first years were great. He treated me as any guy would that was in love with his wife. The last few years of our relationship, something seemed off, and when I would ask he would say I was crazy. I had dreams that he was cheating and I would tell him and he would laugh it off. He wasn’t near as loving as before. Before we wouldn’t go anywhere without each other and now he would leave on work trips telling me we couldn’t afford it for us to go too, which was total bullshit. And, yes, before, and during this time we were very physically active with intimacy. Long story short, he comes home one day and says that he wanted to separate just to get his head clear. I didn’t understand, and as numb as I was and shocked, I loved him so I believed in him and accepted it hoping he would do just as he said. A month tops is what he said. What shocked me the most wasn’t the divorce papers sent after, or the emotional emptiness I felt, it was when reading the paperwork questionnaire, he admitted to multiple affairs he had started having towards the end of the relationship, the detailing of each affair, and how after so long of being with him, how cold he turned on me.He left me for a 19yr old at the time they started hooking up, still together. Not that age matters, in truth, just brought on more insecurities with me after having children, family life, etc. My problem, nothing more. Another issue that shocked me was that we were best friends before all of this, and I had to fight him over everything with it came to finances. I did get a full time job, and did what I could, but it was like his human decency or the fact that I was the mother of his children had no meaning. He flattered himself, she had a drunk mistake and she didn’t actually find him that cute or was interested. He always was into curvy blondes and I was a slim brunette so I guess he thought he found his upgrade. Tbh idk if she even knew he had a gf and they met at a party when I was in NY. I put things together and found out. Apparently they still texted some after and I read them but it was obvious it was him trying to reach out and start a conversation and her barely responding with small talk. They hung out a couple times to smoke and her get free weed, but wouldn’t get sexual with him then take off. I found all this out months after and broke up, but nothing happened with them after. She basically acted like it never happened from what I heard and when I checked her Facebook a year or so back curious, she has moved far away for some new job. They never dated or anything after we ended. He’s still single years later and tried going after a lot of the cute blondes in our town. Many weren’t interested and turned him down, and later when they realized he was my ex and we made friends, tell me the awkward date they had with him before ghosting or him constantly trying to get in their dms and ignoring/blocking him. I guess the grass isn’t always greener. He’s getting close to 30 now, we broke up 4 or so years ago, but he moved away so maybe he’ll finally get his dream girl but if he does I feel bad for her. He tried reaching out some to me and said he was sorry for how toxic he was, but the I can tell he still is. And more importantly I actually have a good bf now whose kind, more handsome, we live together, and he treats me way better so I don’t see him trying to make amends with me anytime soon lol. I’ve had it a couple times when a guy has gone on the treadmill next to me while I’m running.. tried to talk to me when I have ear phones in. I slow down and take my earphones out and he’s proceeded to chat me up. Like that’s really not the time is it? I’m there sweating like crazy out of breath!For doing so, I was ordered to strip. So tearfully I slowly lowered my pants. As mother went to foyer closet and took the large black belt out to spank me with. When she came back to the sofa, there I was standing in tee shirt and tighty whites. Looking at me with a staire that chilled me to the bones. She tore the teeshirt off over my head telling me through gritted teeth that she said strip damit . So I also lowered my underwear to my feet.” Bend over the arm…NOW!” obediently I leaned over trying to prepare for what I knew was going to be one he’ll of an ass whipping. With tears flowing freely from my eyrs, whack after cracking wack, burned down my ass and upper legs. AS I whimpered and begged her to please stop. I looked up at the group of boys who were laughing and high-fiving each other. The boy who had kicked the ball was being praised and clapped on the back by his friends. He stuck out his tongue at me before resuming his game.This happened once, but with my SIL. My hubs and I were stationed in Germany, and we came to the states for a visit when our son was about 16 months old. I was about 7 months pregnant at the time. SIL wanted to take him to the store with her kids. I said no. She didn’t have a car seat, and I don’t know her (but I’ve heard PLENTY about her). About 20 minutes later, I can’t find him. I ask my hubs, who went to check, and sure enough, she was putting him in her van. She just assumed she could take him anyway, and that I would keep quiet to keep the piece. Umm…no. Hubs was pissed too. He grabbed our son and brought him to me. I was so freaking livid.She would always try to undermine me with my own kids. She was raising my stepson when she called and said we had to take him. We did, but always tried to act like she was his mom and in charge when we would visit. I ALWAYS put my foot down. My mom was a disciplinarian, and so am I. She rejected him because she raised him to be bad…really and truly…through neglect and abuse. And it took years to undo SOME of that. The rest we couldn’t do anything about.Eventually he became the first and last person I thought of each day. Around 6 months of platonic friendship he called and asked if I could run him to the store, his car had broke down. I picked him up and as I pulled out of the driveway he leans over and kisses me. I can still remember the kiss, sweet like candy. And dangerous. I knew I had to stop whatever was happening, it was going to end badly.I tried to stop it before it went any futher after that day. Tried asking my husband to not have him come around as much. But with it being his friend unless I told him why it would never happen. But I also knew if I told him What I was feeling or that he and I had gotten too close my husband would hurt him.He and I would pass a thumb drive back and forth, mostly to share music with one another. But sometimes there would be a note to the other person. On the day it blew up my husband found the drive in my jeans while I was in the shower. He looked on it and a note from him to me was saved with the original text that I had sent to him first. I was telling him it needed to stop, that it was going to far and I couldn’t continue carrying on like we had been because I was starting to fall for him.Of course husband was livid and after we’ll call it discussing the affair“. He would not relent, demanding I tell him the truth, what would agree with what he assumed was the truth at least – he accused me of infeldelity and left the house. He did get in to it with his ex-friend. And I wish it had a better ending or a I had better sense to never let it go to the point I allowed it to.Well they basically called us a week after claiming we owed them $5000 for damages when we kept the house relatively clean and undamaged (just normal wear and tear, which they were aware of as they were there every month during our tenancy) and told us to get a lawyer!So lesson here is take pictures and lots of them. Know your rights. The guy seemed upstanding at first but people aren’t what they seem.My boyfriend’s mom (let’s call her Karen lol) asked my bf how many people I’ve been with. Bf answers honestly (looking back I don’t know why he felt the need to divulge such personal information about me but whatever). Then she says, “well I wouldn’t tell you if I slept with the entire football team either”. If it’s safe and consensual, then personally I don’t see a problem with someone sleeping with the whole football team lol. More power to ‘em and no one’s business but theirs!I was at a buddies place one afternoon drinking too much beer. His dog was a bit restless and it was apparent that she needed relief. Neither of us were willing to cooperate and there was a big yard for the dog to use. Sitting on the deck watching her do the circle thing that dogs do, she suddenly pushed away a board in the fence and stepped through to the neighbor’s yard. When on the other side, she replaced the fence board so you would have no idea that she had escaped. Jeff said that she did this often and he would sometimes block her re-entry so she would come to the front door and scratch/bark.I occasionally think that some people use Quora as an easy alternative to doing their own research. Most of the “How do you use X in a sentence” questions can simply be solved by looking in a dictionary, especially if the word is a noun. Doing your own research is the best way to learn, rather than just copying out someone else’s answer.Another time that makes a close tie to the first is when Karen told me that if I were a good daughter I would have taken a time off college to take care of my mom when she had cancer. Little did she know that I actually wanted to do that for my mom, but both my parents wouldn’t hear of it. My university was a two hour drive from home so I’d just go home every weekend. I struggled a lot about feeling like I didn’t do enough for my mom, and Karen’s comment really cut deep and reaffirmed my existing guilt. I think Quora is great for helping with difficult questions: in language problems it is an excellent way of learning idioms and detailed phrasing such as prepositions (get into, get on, get off, get over, get through etc). Buy this shirt: What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt We arrived at his office, and the What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles shirt it is in the first place but door was already open. Inside were the assistant Superintendent of Schools, whom I knew by sight, but had never met before; my supervisor, Kay, who was trembling so that I thought she might become physically ill. There was a thin, bespectacled young man, who turned out to be the District’s union representative; and finally, a woman I didn’t know, who immediately introduced herself as the Human Resources Director. She smiled, and extended her hand, motioning me toward a chair. I smiled, shook her hand, and took the chair. When I sat, the assistant Superintendent froze, then hastily slid her chair away from me. The principal drew a chair forward, and sat down. He stared at the wall without seeing it, and despite the fact that he wasn’t looking at me, he was watching. Kay didn’t smile; she took a chair as far from me as possible. At first, she seemed to be scanning the room, as though planning her quickest exit. She finally sat, but avoided my eyes altogether. The bespectacled man perched on a chair and fiddled with a small tape recorder, as he prepared to record what was about to transpire. He didn’t look at me, and he didn’t introduce himself; he seemed unaware that I was even in the room.The Director came straight to the point. Her voice was businesslike, but her tone was reassuring. “Well, I’m sure you know why we’ve asked you here this morning.” I nodded. “We want you to know the District will conduct a full investigation of this matter, and we shall get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, I’m sure you understand why we’ll need you to be away from school for the time being…” and she looked at me sympathetically. “You DO understand, am I right?”“Yes, I understand.” I smiled at her – but not too much, lest she thinks I was somehow pleased with myself over all this. Yet I got the impression that she knew this was not what it appeared to be.“Thank you. Please understand that we are NOT suspending you. You are NOT being suspended, and you are NOT being punished. You shall be paid your full salary while you are away. We believe this will take about a week, and you shall be called when we are ready for your return. The Union representative shall be your District contact person,” and she gestured toward the young man, who looked up at me and blinked. Buy this shirt:  What I ask for snuggles what I get struggles t-shirt

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