Thursday, December 3, 2020

Pines Merry Christmas Paraprofessional

And it’s really aboutit’s a Pines Merry Christmas Paraprofessional financial independence retireearly yes that’s what it is there you goand and in that community is you knowmade up of a bunch of different types ofpeople who are interested in and nolonger letting money being the the thedriver of all the discontent in ourlivesyeah and they like some of those guys inthe community some of those guys andgals they will save upwards of 50percent of their of their income but seethey have different goals like drew whatare your goals man like the people inthe fire community they are trying toget financial dependence and retireearly as early as possible so drew ofthat to your goal then maybe you do giveup that office to save a little bit moreeach month but if your goal is to notrun you know just retire you know 55 65you know whenever whenever a normalretirement age is then then ya get getthe extra bedroom and create the perfectsituation for you to create and I thinkI think that’s that’s a really goodpoint because if our goal was to makemoney with this podcast. Afraid thatthat’s cultural appropriation and if sowhat does your sister think about I’mgonna be honest I don’t believe incultural appropriation your sisterdoesn’t get mad about no no she doesoccur echt you or anything she does okaythat’s good so anyway out thankfully soduring Ella’s waking hours so notthankfully for this when L was reallyyoung especially before she turned 3 manshe was trying out for al Qaeda they’rehurting for members men well I mean sheclearly was top of the classand but but thankfully she sleeps like arock man she sleeps 11 or 12 hours anight oh my god I’m so jealous yeah andme toolike a good tire just thinking about hersleeping for 12 hours a night it’sunbelievable but the rest of that shewakes up and she’s an instant tornadoand I’m like what’s that has Maniandevil yeah that’s pretty much lolthroughout the entire day and then allof a sudden she just crashes at night soit works out well for her but that’s notanswering Sylvia’s question how having achild change your idea or practices as aminimalist. Together now but really respectand appreciate that if I want to be ableto get the full joy from yell is awesomeshe’s on Twitter too at Ellis and richby the way thank you very much thank yougot it hi my name is Paula from Seattlehey Paulahi thanks for coming to Seattle thankyou and following you about the lastyear and I thought I know you I haveyour podcast in my ear Aldousso I am an accidental minimalist andunknowingly have been working through alot of these things in my life over thelast ten years and I’m really gratefulthat you talk a lot about not just thestuff but in every area of our livesand I had a whole question crafted thatI was going to ask about my business I’man interior designer so I work with inpeople’s homes but as I was sitting hereI realized and you actually touched onit a minute ago but I want to go deeperwith it I really needed to kind of getreal about what I still need to work onand I am addicted to social media andI’ve listened to one of your podcastsand sometimes I’ve moved my facebookover

Source: Pines Merry Christmas Paraprofessional

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The best ofit is really what he’s saying and he hewrites about the seven differentprinciples in his life that have changedhis life also each chapter checking adifferent principle and your life yeahit’s really good and also a Pines Merry Christmas Paraprofessional Backson Ijust started watching the third seasonof Fargo it just came out I started it’syou and McGregor plays two differentcharacters in it well so good that’s sogood I can’t wait to like forgot yes Iforget totally forgot about that youthey can’t wait to serve a very fewshows that I look forward to watchingand Fargo s10 arena 3 3 at thisrecording and it’s so good they can’twait yeah Mar is going to be soexcited and we just finished um actuallyI don’t want to talk about the showsthat we just finished because they’rekind of lame I would not recommend themto other be there shows that we startedwatching and got hooked on haha but Iwould not recommend that I drop out andso I had a previous recommendation Irecommended the Americans and it was adecent show but I lost my entrance ourseason Mex kept. And she was like going I wantthe the surgery room and I’m like okayyeah she wants to be a doctor she’s likeI want a serial killer what I want themorgue next question is from Connor thisis a different Connor howdy this is kindof with a no the previous Connor wasConnor with an A mmm Connor asks how doyou find happiness when your stress thisis from Connor boy man happiness is notthe point yeah it’s a misnomer I feellike because I mean it’s written in theConstitution or any like everyone hasthe right to pursue happiness suit ofhappiness not the right to happinessyeah it’s uh got it that the pursuit ofhappinesscan be I don’t know it can be adeflating goal because like because Ifeel like in the corporate world I wascontinuously chasing happiness sure andI would get a new car or I go on avacation or you know I’d buy you knowI’d upgrade my my computer or whateverit is upgrade my TV I was kind ofchasing that happiness but the more Ichased it the further away I got from ityeahso the for me when I’m stressed it’s notabout. My personall the time right I heard someonerecently refer to the the smartphone asthe 79th organand and it feels that way sometimesright I was I was eating lunch at thisfine dining establishment today Chipotleand while I was there I I noticed I wasin line and like I was the only personnot staring in my screen but I also knowthat a month and a half ago I probablywould have been and I’ve been thinkingabout it that much so it’s not mejudging anyone it’s just me becomingmore aware I think ultimately awarenessis the most precious kind of freedom andso I think we need to identify what ourvalues are and then we also need tosurround ourselves with people who havesimilar values the beliefs side is a bitdifferent give you a couple of examplesreal quick so Ryan and I have verysimilar values we have pretty differentbeliefs we also have differentpersonalities as well he is an extrovertI’m an introvert he is like really inthe moment all the time and I am likethe guy who wants to plan everything outsix months in advance and because
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