Sunday, December 6, 2020

The Day The Teachers Retured To School 2020 Pandemic Survivors Crayon T-Shirt

The way Colin is32 years old he’s published 35 bookseverything from fiction to short storiesto self help books to memoirs andeverything in between very prolificwriter and so he’s learned a The Day The Teachers Retured To School 2020 Pandemic Survivors Crayon T-Shirt lot oflessons going through that process overand over and over and then Ryan and Ihave learned a lot of lessons especiallyabout not just the writing process butgetting a book out into the world infront of a large group of people and sowhat we did is we put up a whole recipeat a symmetrical website and Sean if youcould put that in the show notes that’dbe great it is basically a how to guidehow to publish an independent book it’sa soup to nuts approach from A to Z orfrom writing the book which by the wayis the most difficult step actuallywriting the thing but once you’ve doneit there’s still like five steps afterthat there’s a whole editing processthere’s yeah formatting process there ispromotional process there are all ofthese processes that you have to gothrough to get a book out into the worldand even once the book is out in. Rule between the two of us over thelast five years we’ve had to use thatrule five times totalyeah I’d replace a pair of scissors I ona cloud replace a pair of swimmingtrunks and so yeah I used to keep ajust in case toothbrush in my toiletrybag and I forgot my toothbrush and hadto go buy a toothbrush yeah so therethere you go so far and so and all thosethings are for less than 20 I thinkyeah these in many cases and the coolthing is it’s not a rule I’ve had to usea hundred times it’d be a terrible ruleif I’ve had to use the Justin case for athousand times and spent twenty thousanddollars I’m just in case I know betweenthe two of us we’ve had to spend ahundred dollars in the last five yearson just in case on that hundred dollarsor fit my my 50 contributionis well worth the peace of mind so thatgets back to the question the peace ofmind that we’ve gotten over the lastfive years of being willing to let go ofthose Justin Kazon is because truth betold the vast majority of those just incase items they are just in the way. It’s not asa media with the nice thing aboutminimalism is yes that is a saw the theless wasteI mean considerably less waste in mylife now I mean I I probably producedmore waste in a year than I do in adecade now back in my 20s right justbecause it’s not that I I didn’t careit’s I didn’t even know that I shouldcare or why I should care or what mightyou know what’s my motivationbut then toward the end of the night wehad we had someone come up and ask aboutum well it was it was a guy he’s likeI’m really trying hard to explain thisto my girlfriend like she just doesn’tget it and so I think I think we allstruggle with and so one of the thingsthat Ryan I’ve been talking about veryrecently is how do we how do we find away not to just communicate this messagelike we have tonight but but how do wefind a way to help other peoplecommunicate that message moreeffectively to theour friends and family and loved onesnot in a way that beat them over thehead with it but how do we get them toto help put it out there in a way thatinspires

Source: The Day The Teachers Retured To School 2020 Pandemic Survivors Crayon T-Shirt

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Valuable to meand creates value for other people asopposed to. Or or I want to have these billsI want to have these expenses these arethe ones we need to talk about the whywhy do you want to be debt free why whatanchors are you removing what will thatfree up will give you more time to tostay at home it sounds li a The Day The Teachers Retured To School 2020 Pandemic Survivors Crayon T-Shirt you want tobe you want to stay at home I don’t knowif you’re a stay at home mother but I’mgonna recommend that you actually get ajob until you pay off your debts rightnow your if you’re in debt you you wantto be able to tackle that as quickly aspossible but you need to show yourhusband why that is so importantfinancial freedom is going to allow youto travel more what are your goals howare you going to get on on the same pagenow I know you said your husband saysthat well our debt isn’t that badcompared to most people well yeah if youcould pay yourself to most people you’renever gonna be happy in fact I thinkcomparison just by itself is isdangerous but compared to most peoplemost people aren’t happy most people areup to their eyeballs in debt mostpeople aren’t living. This this platform we’retalking in this microphone right nowthat is another way that you and I havefound value and found growth immensegrowth this year if you go back andlisten to our you’re almost 50 episodesago now we do an appreciable a betterjob just talking into a microphone thanwe did on episode you know five orwhatever right practice makes perfectyeah yeah or much better at leastimagine when it’ll be 50 episodes fromnow or 50 years from now oh my god youknow I think that this is another mediumfor us to communicate and express solet’s just talk about what isback to basics mean it means creating Imean for us it’s gonna be writing andpodcasting so throughout 2017 it’sreally about how do we get back towriting more for the website and alsomaybe maybe some books or something elsethat we’re working on we’re also workingon what I’ll just call it a secretproject right now although we’ve had topostpone some stuff and I’d like to talkabout that and talk about why butwriting is is something that’s reallyimportant to
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